Question about Michael Brown leads to beating on St. Louis light rail train


Staff member
Apr 20, 2007
The Golden State
Question about Michael Brown leads to beating on St. Louis light rail train

(CNN)When one man sat down next to a second man in a St. Louis light rail car and asked him his opinion on the shooting of Michael Brown, it was not the beginning of a discussion.

It was the start of an assault, police said.

The second man, who was white, didn't want to answer the question. Then the first man, who was black, boxed him in the face. Two more African-American men joined in the beating, according to a police report about Monday's incident.

Assaulted because he was white. Sounds like a hate crime to me, what do you think?
As there can he no hate crime where the victim is white these sillynlaws must go.
Anyone remember equal treatment ?
It does seem to be the law, or at least the application of it, that black on white violence doesn't count as hate crimes. Seems like a racist law to me, and one that should be repealed.

Now, perhaps the white community, if there really is such a thing, needs to go wild, riot, and loot. Maybe they'd get some attention that way.
Hate pretty much goes in two directions. Unfortunately, that's a sad fact of human nature. All we can do is try to avoid such scenarios by avoiding political hot spots. However, such behavior might or might not be cowardly.
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