the annoying thing
Well-Known Member

Biden’s Soviet-raised pick for Treasury post sought end to banking ‘as we know it’
Saule Omarova, a Cornell University law professor, was tapped by President Biden on Sept. 23 to be the Treasury Department’s comptroller of the currency.

Yes it only makes sense to put a commie shop liftetr in charge of the treasury who hates the American banking system and prefers russia system Putin loves it .
Or maybe a cross dressing fat man to oversee our children health and welfare O wait he already did that .
Maybe he can put a idiot in charge of the boarder and immigration problem , O he already did Harris who has never been to the boarder and she thinks we need to pay then to stay home
Maybe he can put some one in charge of our transportation system to solve the problem , o he already did but he had to tke time off during a pandemic to have a bby with his husband because his pussy hurt and he wanted to work on raciest roads and bridges instead of the the transportation issues we have causing shortages .