Neither will the UN!I have answer this in another post. Whatever you think of Obama, Russia is a key to stoping further conflict in the Middle East through the UN. Sadri Arabia support Assad enemies. Neither side will bring democracy.
amen to that. but as Russia is currently shipping more weaponry to Syria (specifically Team Assad) the method of choice is apparently in making one side impossibly strong.I have answer this in another post. Whatever you think of Obama, Russia is a key to stoping further conflict in the Middle East through the UN. Sadri Arabia support Assad enemies. Neither side will bring democracy.
Sadri Arabia support Assad enemies. Neither side will bring democracy.
Theydidnt want Hussein with nuclear capability and were very nervous over his massive military buildup. What they really dont like is any real military threats inthe region as its bad for business. They are all about maintaining cashflow.I agree with Cruella Saudi Arabia is scare of Iran getting the Bomb. As a leader of Saudi Islam it does not want a shite country having the Bomb. Whether this is a proxy war only time will tell
Theydidnt want Hussein with nuclear capability and were very nervous over his massive military buildup. What they really dont like is any real military threats inthe region as its bad for business. They are all about maintaining cashflow.
Not a chance ....They are also afraid of their own people and the other sects of Islam. You would think after 900 years of following the teachings of their madman profit they would at least try to moderate their radical theology.
Can you name one country, just one .... that has a muslim population of over 20% that are not considered "extremist" and give an example of how "peace is possible" in these countries?Seen it took atnleast three hundred years for Catholics and Protestants to stop fighting one another in countries like Ireland, it is not surprising that Islam sects fight one another,But not all are extermists and peace is possible.
Indonesia has a muslim population above 80%. In these countries you can expect daily intimidation and violent jihad, some State-run ethnic cleansing, and even some genocide, as these nations with 80% and above drive out the infidels, and move toward 100% Muslim population.Indonesia. It is very peaceful and progressive,
Nice intellect there Aus ...Only three killed. How many were shot in the USA lastweek, I feel safer in Indonesia than USA.