No, no not what I heard Congressional Weiner say: "We currently have a single payer system in place now you either have an insurance company that dictates what they pay and cover or you have the Medicare/Medicaid system so the hype about those issues is MOOT!" He's so very spot on about that as to be clairvoyant and that was about the point in time that poor Joe become stupefied! AND THAT WAS FUNNY!
And as far as your 'cheerleader comment goes'...I personally can't abide them but that was what got the children fixated in fixing my reputations in the first place! ROTFLMAO
He states right in the beginning that he thinks we need a system like Medicare for all Americans. He also claims that we need something to compete against the insurance companies, ignoring the fact that without government interference to begin with, insurance companies could compete against themselves in a much better way.
So, why would we want to move to a system for all Americans that is currently going bankrupt, and as the GAO states is ripe with fraud and waste? If the government is unable to clean their own system up, what makes anyone think they can do it more effectively than a private insurer?