numinus;78733]You brought up fairies in this discussion. I couldn't care less if you believe in them or not.
Or are you suggesting I believe fairies? Personally, I think they do exist. A couple of them hang out in this forum, in the homosexuality thread.
No I'm not. I'm simply saying that fairies and God hold the same weight of real testable definitive proof. None.
You need only possess a rational faculty to be 'open to proof'. Being agnostic means one recognizes the existence of something unknowable, an makes a belief system based on this.
You, on the other hand, cannot even discern the difference between a metaphysical and scientific inquiry, not to mention the standard of proof required for each.
So you see, there are agnostics and there are ignoramuses.
You're entitled to your opinion. I however see no problem whatsoever at calling your belief unprovable because it is without doubt just that.
And I also think one should keep an open mind to new scientific discovery. Who knows maybe it was some alien force so advanced we just can't comprehend. Maybe we're intentionally being kept in the dark by them.
Could be anything or nothing. I'll await proof and not just make something up.
And again... the rest of your post was... Because I don't believe in the metaphysical mumbo jumbo of your voodoo witchcraft you know the truth and I don't.
Not buyin' your snake oil... sorry!