Prove my homosexuality harms you or your family

Because the legal system shares your views I have no standing to challenge her in court. He has returned to her home against his wishes and better judgment. He leaves behind many friends and relatives who love him dearly and are devastated to see him forced to go.

Exact same position you would be in if you were married, soooo Im not sure of your point in relation to gay marriage.
"her" or is it HIS. Awe... its always tough to keep it straight.

You're telling me. ;)

Can I just use the androgeneous term "it"?

I'm not sure who you're referring to. If it's the boy's mother, you have my blessing to use any term you want. I'm sure I've used a lot worse myself. Anyway, if I've been a tad hostile, it's because I've been fighting a lot of bigotry and attitude coming from the stepfather (who likes to insult me in front of my son). I never, ever thought my ex-wife was the type of person who would buy into this garbage, but...what do you know. I was wrong.

So I guess you want clarification. np.

My ex-wife and I had a son together 15 years ago. He lived with me and my partner for the last year (after begging his mother for the last 7 years to be able to come live with me), but had to go back with his mother and stepfather a couple weeks ago. He is a very thoughtful and compassionate child and he doesn't have the heart to openly defy her wishes. He knows I understand.
You're telling me. ;)

I'm not sure who you're referring to. If it's the boy's mother, you have my blessing to use any term you want. I'm sure I've used a lot worse myself. Anyway, if I've been a tad hostile, it's because I've been fighting a lot of bigotry and attitude coming from the stepfather (who likes to insult me in front of my son). I never, ever thought my ex-wife was the type of person who would buy into this garbage, but...what do you know. I was wrong.

So I guess you want clarification. np.

My ex-wife and I had a son together 15 years ago. He lived with me and my partner for the last year (after begging his mother for the last 7 years to be able to come live with me), but had to go back with his mother and stepfather a couple weeks ago. He is a very thoughtful and compassionate child and he doesn't have the heart to openly defy her wishes. He knows I understand.

That is sad :(
Was that a conscious choice or some compulsion of biology or genetics?

Both, though we were not trying specifically to have a child.

(here it comes, lol)

But wait. Let's not get our threads confused. If you want to argue about that one we have to return to the "choice or genetics" thread.
Toy cap guns dont harm society, but thats not a reason to issue permits to carry the cap gun.
Strange logic, if it does not harm society, it should be licensed and regulated???

You have the right to carry a toy cap gun. There isn't any point in licensing it because it's already legal. You do not, presently, have the right to marry someone of the same gender.
He may have another problem that I have noticed amoung straight men. Women will go for almost any man. Old German saying: "There has never been a man so low, that a woman or a dog could not love him." Men on the other hand are pickier.

Although they deny it, a lot of straight guy seem to me, to be very afraid that another guy wouldn't have them on a bet. They are fat, have beer bellies, are bald, missing teeth, dress like slobs. Men may end up with that, but seldom start with it. Women do.
Both, though we were not trying specifically to have a child.

(here it comes, lol)

But wait. Let's not get our threads confused. If you want to argue about that one we have to return to the "choice or genetics" thread.

Well, I guess this isnt a gay marriage thread either but I would point out its a good demonstration of one of the purposes of marriage that was present in your hetero relationship and isnt present with your current relationship.
And ALL your complaints of disparate treatment are not arguements for gay marriage, they are arguements to change laws, Insurance policy, Employer policy, Hospital policy etc. The arguement that you should be able to visit your "partner" applies equally to my girlfriend and I, whether we are married or not, living together or not. Your arguements that you should be able to take advantage of his health benefits would aslo apply if you and an unmarried girlfriend were raising your son.
If two platonic roomates are in fact raising, supporting and parenting a child they should get ALL the same benefits rights and privilidges you insist that you should have. In fact I know a brother and sister that have lived under the same roof, raising her son for the last 12 years since her husband died.
B U T ! ! ! That doesnt mean I think governent should encourage, license and regulate roomates, or brothers and sisters getting together to raise babies. AND.... now Im sure you cant comprehend why anyone would NOT want to encourage gay lovers to hook up and raise some kids.. but I dont think government has any business doing so any more than with brothers and sisters or roomates. Kids raised by both their biological parents, that should be the goal, its a good thing and I dont have a problem with government encouraging it and regulating it. The way society is evolving, its going to happen less and less regardless, I dont think government needs to rush that process along. Gay sex is going to become more and more accepted and prevalent, I just dont think government needs to rush that process along. Pre marital sex, extra marital sex and sex completely outside of marriage are ALL becoming more prevalent. Call me old fashioned but I just dont think its within governments role to encourage license or regulate ANY of these things.
And ALL your complaints of disparate treatment are not arguements for gay marriage, they are arguements to change laws, Insurance policy, Employer policy, Hospital policy etc. The arguement that you should be able to visit your "partner" applies equally to my girlfriend and I, whether we are married or not, living together or not. Your arguements that you should be able to take advantage of his health benefits would aslo apply if you and an unmarried girlfriend were raising your son.

Not really. In the case of you and your girlfriend, you can easily remedy the situation by marrying your partner. People like Segep cannot.