Prostitute nails Republican Senator AGAIN!

I don't know about you Americans, but I can barely distinguish between my two leading parties thesedays.

Labour? Probably more right wing than the conservatives. Maybe Gordon Brown will bring some change, but I doubt it.

What about the Liberals? At least you have a liberal party, we, on the left, are stuck in a constant war trying to pull the Democrats away from the middle. A middle that's defined by the Republicans moving farther and farther to the right, thus pulling the political center along with them. When I vote, it's almost always a lesser of the two evils proposition.
Just like in the US, we have only two parties with a decent chance of winning. Labour is supposed to be the left wing party, but Blair changed it all around with his buttkissing Bush antics. Now the Conservative party and the ones who want to get rid of the Terrorism Act (something along the lines of your patriot act) and give people back a bit of individual freedom.

The other party, the Liberal Democracts, and third, and by a distance big enough that they wont ever have a fair chance at power for at least another 20 years. They're policies are generally better, but they tend to have terrible leaders who would be unable to cope with being Prime Minister.
What about the Liberals? At least you have a liberal party, we, on the left, are stuck in a constant war trying to pull the Democrats away from the middle. A middle that's defined by the Republicans moving farther and farther to the right, thus pulling the political center along with them. When I vote, it's almost always a lesser of the two evils proposition.

Popeye, what are you talking about? I would love to see you attempt to back this post up.
Popeye, what are you talking about? I would love to see you attempt to back this post up.

Here's the facts, the Republican party continues to move farther and farther to the right. Richard Nixon would be considered a moderate Republican by todays standards. Heck, he signed such things as the Clean Water Act, today's Republicans are only interested in raping the environment. They're also being pushed farther to the right by their Bible toting friends, who actually believe the earth is only 6,000 years old, like foolish children who believe in fairy tales. The farther to the right the Republicans go, the closer they get to fascism.
Here's the facts, the Republican party continues to move farther and farther to the right. Richard Nixon would be considered a moderate Republican by todays standards. Heck, he signed such things as the Clean Water Act, today's Republicans are only interested in raping the environment. They're also being pushed farther to the right by their Bible toting friends, who actually believe the earth is only 6,000 years old, like foolish children who believe in fairy tales. The farther to the right the Republicans go, the closer they get to fascism.

You call the largest entitlement program ever a move to the right? How about that incredibly wasteful education bill? As with practically everything you say, it is just words and quite impossible to back up with anything approaching fact. Conservatives didn't vote in droves during the last midterm election precicely because the republicans and bush were drifting to the left with their wasteful and excessive spending on big government programs.

You really don't put much thought into anything you say, do you?
Conservatives didn't vote in droves during the last midterm election precicely because the republicans and bush were drifting to the left with their wasteful and excessive spending on big government programs.

You really don't put much thought into anything you say, do you?

I'm glad you have figured out why the Republicans were defeated in the last mid-term elections. I'm sure it had absolutely nothing to do with the war in Iraq. Also, let it be known, I put absolutely no thought into this post.
Let's take a look at the political spectrum. The Left-Right spectrum is determined by a number of factors. The major ones are as follows:

Economic Policies (interventionism vs. laissez-faire)

Bureaucracy Policies (large government vs. small government)

Employment Policies (workers' rights vs. employers' rights)

Equality Policies (equality of outcome vs. equality of opportunity)

Religious Policies (secularism vs. religiosity)

Tradition Policies (innovation vs. traditionalism)

Cultural Policies (law dictates culture vs. culture dictates law)

Beliefs of Human Nature (malleable vs. fixed)

Okay, now that we have those up, we need to recognize that the Democratic and Republican Parties are (supposed) to represent the left and right, respectively. So you can't just say, "Well, the Republicans are moving right because they support tax cuts!" because that's what they're supposed to do. If you want to prove they're moving right, you have to show that (as an example I pulled out of thin air that isn't necessarily true) the Republicans have been cutting taxes even more virulently today than they were twenty years ago. If you want to prove they're moving to the right you have to prove there's more of religious connotation to the GOP now then there was twenty years ago. You get the picture.

EDIT: If anyone's curious, I got the thing on Left-Right politics off Wikipedia. Here's the link.
I'm glad you have figured out why the Republicans were defeated in the last mid-term elections. I'm sure it had absolutely nothing to do with the war in Iraq. Also, let it be known, I put absolutely no thought into this post.

Since the republicans lost, exactly what has changed with regard to the war? Are you saying that the democrats were put back in power by people who thought that they woud do something about the war and the democrats have let them down? Are you saying that the democrats lied when they made their campaign promises? Are you saying that democrats can't be trusted when they promise that they will do a thing if sent to washington?
Since the republicans lost, exactly what has changed with regard to the war? Are you saying that the democrats were put back in power by people who thought that they woud do something about the war and the democrats have let them down? Are you saying that the democrats lied when they made their campaign promises? Are you saying that democrats can't be trusted when they promise that they will do a thing if sent to washington?

You're right, nothing has changed with this ill conceived war. Part of it has to do with Republican filibusters, part of it with the fact that not all Democrats agree on what to do about the war. That not all Democratic congressmen agree on the war shows an independence that has rarely been exhibited by their Republican counterparts, who, until it became obvious the war was a mistake, supported every foolish administration move. What I am saying is, according to exit polls, the main issue for people who voted Democrat was the war in Iraq.
You're right, nothing has changed with this ill conceived war. Part of it has to do with Republican filibusters, part of it with the fact that not all Democrats agree on what to do about the war. That not all Democratic congressmen agree on the war shows an independence that has rarely been exhibited by their Republican counterparts, who, until it became obvious the war was a mistake, supported every foolish administration move. What I am saying is, according to exit polls, the main issue for people who voted Democrat was the war in Iraq.

The republicans never stopped a vote. The vote to pull out was 52-47. The vote needed was 60-40. Not even close.

The issue for conservatives, however, was the bush administrations move to the left with regard to spending. The democrats didn't win because of the war, the democrats won because conservatives didn't come out and vote, and conservatives didn't come out because of disgust with the new and excessive entitlement spending.
The republicans never stopped a vote. The vote to pull out was 52-47. The vote needed was 60-40. Not even close.

The issue for conservatives, however, was the bush administrations move to the left with regard to spending. The democrats didn't win because of the war, the democrats won because conservatives didn't come out and vote, and conservatives didn't come out because of disgust with the new and excessive entitlement spending.

Unless I am mistaken, the reason a super majority of 60 votes was needed was to prevent a Republican filibuster. Maybe not a filibuster in the strictest sense, but a threat of one. As to the election, are you seriously asserting that the main reason for Republican defeat in 2006 was excessive entitlement spending by their own congress? If that's the case, exactly how much of a role would you say Iraq played in the overwhelming repudiation of the Republicans in 2006?
[Just like in a court of law this goes straight to character. Anyone who would so perversely rail against things politically that they themselves whole heartedly enjoy and engage in lose credibility and cannot/should not be trusted on other positions they take.

????? I dont think Craig wanted to marry the guy in the next stall.
????? I dont think Craig wanted to marry the guy in the next stall.

I think we're in agreement... I don't think Republican Congressman Larry Craig had ANYTHING as honorable as marriage on his mind. He wanted a purely sexual interaction... very hypocritical indeed!

Unless he's been promoting all that... and I just somehow missed it. ;)

A little bit too vivid their with your description, top gun. Not really necessary. -- USMC
I think theres another thread for the territory we've wandered into, and that this one was originally about Hugo Chavez!
I think we're in agreement... I don't think Republican Congressman Larry Craig had ANYTHING as honorable as marriage on his mind. He wanted a purely sexual interaction... very hypocritical indeed!

Unless he's been promoting all that... and I just somehow missed it. ;)

A little bit too vivid their with your description, top gun. Not really necessary. -- USMC

I'm answering a question with no foul language? What words are now not allowed... anal... anal sex... BJ... These words are posted all over this forum. In the homosexuality threads, anal everywhere. Bill Clinton threads, BJ everywhere. The post should be allowed to stand as it was. Far worse has been written and not moderator altered.

Censorship... amazing.

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