Proposed Hotel California Exit Tax

The fact that anybody would even consider such a thing is all the justification that any THINKING person would need to pack up and move out of Cali-FORNICATION tomorrow morning.
See this proves a point. When you raise taxes on the rich, they leave, resulting in you collecting lower taxes. They acknowledge this by having a leaving the state tax.

But just think about that. If you dare to leave the state, you are going to lose 55% of your current assets? Is this not oppression or what?

Also, think about if you worked there. Your boss and his boss, and the company are not going to want to pay a 35% sur-tax on top of their already high taxes. So they may be willing to move out.

What happens to you? You are either forced to move and lose 55% of your assets, or you lose your job.

Again, all taxes hit the lower class. It's the lower class that will ultimately pay the price for this.

Apply this also to health care. We have this myth that we can just make the rich pay for it. No, the same problem will happen. The rich will leave, or hide the cash. In either case, we will pay for it, with 50%+ taxes.
See this proves a point. When you raise taxes on the rich, they leave, resulting in you collecting lower taxes. They acknowledge this by having a leaving the state tax.

But just think about that. If you dare to leave the state, you are going to lose 55% of your current assets? Is this not oppression or what?

Also, think about if you worked there. Your boss and his boss, and the company are not going to want to pay a 35% sur-tax on top of their already high taxes. So they may be willing to move out.

What happens to you? You are either forced to move and lose 55% of your assets, or you lose your job.

Again, all taxes hit the lower class. It's the lower class that will ultimately pay the price for this.

Apply this also to health care. We have this myth that we can just make the rich pay for it. No, the same problem will happen. The rich will leave, or hide the cash. In either case, we will pay for it, with 50%+ taxes.

They cannot seize your assetts for leaving the State, and any attempt to institute any such law would be declared un-Constitutional immediately. As I said, if it were me, I'd pack up and leave based solely on the fact that they're even considering such a thing, because it's proof positive that they're entirely too stupid out there to be around.
They cannot seize your assetts for leaving the State, and any attempt to institute any such law would be declared un-Constitutional immediately. As I said, if it were me, I'd pack up and leave based solely on the fact that they're even considering such a thing, because it's proof positive that they're entirely too stupid out there to be around.

You have much more faith in our supreme court to adhere to the constitution than I do. I think the populous is so ignorant of the constitution that they would buy it.
Oh, they don't have to be simply ignorant of it... they might want to change it. That's the problem with "majority rule"--it equals "mob rule". Think of the Bolsheviks.

Doubt it'll pass but even the thought that folks are considering it is a bit disturbing:

Scwarzeneggar and the dems are struggling with all kinds of ways to cover the $20 billion deficit. The dems have controlled the statehouse for many years, and this is the legacy of their wild irresponsible spending, plus letting California become an oasis for illegal alien invaders. I am sure we will emerge beating out Massachusetts as the most highly taxed state in the nation. I wonder how much crap Californians will take before they FINALLY kick the democrat bums out.
Well, it's certainly a helluva' thing when The State begins to view its citizens as state property. As has been noted before by Warren Murphy and Richard Sapir, you can always tell a liberated country from an unliberated country--in liberated countries, they put up fences to keep people in and in unliberated countries, they have to put up fences to keep people out.
Scwarzeneggar and the dems are struggling with all kinds of ways to cover the $20 billion deficit. The dems have controlled the statehouse for many years, and this is the legacy of their wild irresponsible spending, plus letting California become an oasis for illegal alien invaders. I am sure we will emerge beating out Massachusetts as the most highly taxed state in the nation. I wonder how much crap Californians will take before they FINALLY kick the democrat bums out.

The political powers the be, are simply a reflection of the people. In other words, it will take a heck of a lot. Remember the rolling black outs? The price controls drove the companies to near bankruptcy. But the people didn't believe it. And the politicians didn't either. Even after the companies flat out posted their bank accounts for all to see, even now you'll hear on this forum, that no... it was Enron, or some other company that had a monopoly.

Until the people wake up and realize where they are, is a result of the choices they make, the government will blame everyone else for their problems, just like the people do.
Well, it's certainly a helluva' thing when The State begins to view its citizens as state property. As has been noted before by Warren Murphy and Richard Sapir, you can always tell a liberated country from an unliberated country--in liberated countries, they put up fences to keep people in and in unliberated countries, they have to put up fences to keep people out.

It is to be expected. Every socialist system everywhere in the world has no choice but to force people to stay in the system. Berlin wall anyone? Cuba anyone? I had the privilege to talk to a lovely lady from Laos who fled the Communists. Her family was shot at as they fled. Why? They'd rather you die, than leave communism. (sometime I think socialism is a cult like Jim Jones)

Canada made private health care illegal, so people now fly out of the country to escape their free health care.

California recognizes that if they raise the taxes like they want, to cover the socialism they are spending on, that people will leave. Thus they might not be able to put up a wall, but they might be able to economically force them to stay. Of course it won't work, and it will destroy CA economically.

You have to remember though, this is the natural result of allowing people who have no invested interest in America, voting for people with no invested interest. If you had business and/or property owners voting for business/property owners, this would never even be considered.

However, since we have the highest population of unemployed government piglets, voting for an entire state legislature that has been collecting public money their entire lives... well of course they think this is great. They have nothing to lose, and everything to gain by confiscating other peoples property.
Perhaps their persistent illusion that money required for the economy to work is spontaneously created by legislative fiat is beginning to falter in their perceptions and they're beginning to... panic. Rather than do the correct thing by ending programs, though, they very well might resort to a watered-down Red October.
You have much more faith in our supreme court to adhere to the constitution than I do. I think the populous is so ignorant of the constitution that they would buy it.

Actually, I was thinking about the California Supreme Court, if it even got THAT far. More than likely it would be declared un-Constitutional by the first of the lower courts that it was challenged in.
Actually, I was thinking about the California Supreme Court, if it even got THAT far. More than likely it would be declared un-Constitutional by the first of the lower courts that it was challenged in.

I hope you are right. After watching court after court play around with Florida's law that the election *must* be certified by the 5th day after the election, and yet somehow make it all the way to the supreme court, and even have a few there waffling on what "Must be certified by the 5th day" meant... my faith in the court system is just a tad low.

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