Well-Known Member
Their brains should be studied...cold.
LOL we can ask them to leave their large brains to science and we can figure out what went wrong

Their brains should be studied...cold.
LOL we can ask them to leave their large brains to science and we can figure out what went wrong![]()
Or we could remove them ourselves, after all, they're not using them anyway!![]()
Thats a good one
but that would kill them and I really am against death. I dont like killing babies or killing prisoners or even liberals.
Babies? NO! Prisoners? If they've been sentenced by a jury of their peers, NO PROBLEM! Liberals? Only as many as I can before Wal-Mart runs out of ammunition.
Well, since no Liberal on the board has the balls or stomach to put up a counter-argument I will do so for the sake of debate.
So bear with me because I personally do not buy into this argument, but here it is:
1) Yes, Republicans were pointing out problems with oversight and government regulation regarding Fannie/Freddie before this meltdown.
2) This however glosses over the bigger problem that these two companies alone are not responsible for the meltdown.
Fannie and Freddie certainly followed the market into higher risk loans, but were stopped from going full-bore into the subprime paper business by their charter and conforming loan limits. They were allowed, by the Government, to keep less capital on hand to offset risk. And they were woefully under supervised by their government regulators. And they (acting like an investment fund) acquired lots of private label MBS’ backed by toxic mortgages.
3) While Republicans were attacking Fannie/Freddie, the housing bubble was being pushed to the limits by other banks, that would have maintained and burst the bubble, even if Fannie and Freddie did not exists.
4) This crisis could have been avoided if regulation was placed on outside investment banks as much as it was placed on Fannie/Freddie, to prevent them from getting to heavily involved in the sub-prime debacle.
5) In 1999, Congress passed the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, which abolished “all of the significant rules put in place at the time of the Great Depression designed to prevent a repeat.” Specifically, this act “destroyed the Depression-era barrier to the merger of stockbrokers, banks and insurance companies.”
It was this deregulation that spiraled "predatory" lending practices by de-regulated banks, who felt secure knowing that they could package these loans together and sell them off to government backed Fannie/Freddie.
As I said, I don't buy this argument, but since none of the libs here want to give a shot, for the sake of debate, here it is.
No one liked my brilliant liberal response?![]()
I believe in the Death P. only in extreme and rare cases like Ted Bundy
Live is so valuable and also there are some religous reasons.
You know, it's not that there isn't some merit in some points of this "argument." The Republican majority in Congress, along with the Presidency since 2001 should have helped clean a few issues up. There were warnings going up enough to warrant action.
The videos from this guy, NakedEmperorNews, are phenomenal. I know there is a bit of creative license involved, but it's pretty insignificant. One of them (which?) showed that one action out of committee never came to the floor to vote, because the Republican leadership felt they couldn't pass it.
Duhhhhh! Now THAT is why the Republicans lost control in 2006 - because of their lack of conviction and adherence to Conservative principals.
Congratulations on being able to put into words, in such a civil manner, the irrational rationalizations of the Obama-Libs. Great evidence that you must understand your enemy....well, somewhat anyway....
First, yeah, but Democrats control both the Senate and House currently, and they controlled the Senate in 2001-2003. Plus, having a one or two vote majority isn't really having complete control. When the size of your lead in only 1 vote, it's not like you can pass whatever you need without the other side. However, I do see what you mean. Remember, not all republicans and in fact Republicans. Jumping Jim Jeffords? "RINO"
Second, there is a large difference between, seeing the need to pass something yet realizing that your political opponents are simply not going to allow it, and having a lack of conviction or adherence to conservative principals. When you know that you will be thwarted, sometimes it's better to pick a battle you can win, than fight something you know you can't.
Third... with the above said... I don't buy it. I think they should have tried it anyway, and forced a vote on it. That way they can say they tried and were stopped. Just like Welfare reform. They passed it 3 or 4 times, and Billy vetoed it each time. It built my faith in them at the time.
I believe life is so valuable, that those who would take life without cause should be forfeit of theirs. After all, the vast majority of death row inmates are second time offenders. Meaning we caught them, we charged them, and yet we allowed them the opportunity to murder again. That innocent blood is on our heads for not doing something the first time.
Gensis 9:6 Whoever sheds the blood of man, by man, shall his blood be shed.
Pual speaking of government...
Romans 13:3 Do you want to be unafraid of authority? Do what is good, and you will have praise from the same. For he is God's minister to you for good. But if you do evil, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword in vain; for he is God's minister, an avenger to execute wrath on him who practices evil.
Sword in the text was taken literally, and was a reference to capital punishment.
Supporting texts are:
Jesus spoke to Peter
Matthew 26:52 Put up your sword in it's place, for all who take the sword will perish by the sword. (no matter how unjust the arrest of Jesus was, Peter had no right to commit murder)
Leviticus 24:17 Whoever kills any man shall surely be put to death.
You can correlate the murder rates in America directly to our moving away from this divine statement. As authority has abrogated it's duty to wield the sword, evil has been unabated.
First, yeah, but Democrats control both the Senate and House currently, and they controlled the Senate in 2001-2003. Plus, having a one or two vote majority isn't really having complete control. When the size of your lead in only 1 vote, it's not like you can pass whatever you need without the other side. However, I do see what you mean. Remember, not all republicans and in fact Republicans. Jumping Jim Jeffords? "RINO"
Second, there is a large difference between, seeing the need to pass something yet realizing that your political opponents are simply not going to allow it, and having a lack of conviction or adherence to conservative principals. When you know that you will be thwarted, sometimes it's better to pick a battle you can win, than fight something you know you can't.
Third... with the above said... I don't buy it. I think they should have tried it anyway, and forced a vote on it. That way they can say they tried and were stopped. Just like Welfare reform. They passed it 3 or 4 times, and Billy vetoed it each time. It built my faith in them at the time.
You can correlate the murder rates in America directly to our moving away from this divine statement. As authority has abrogated it's duty to wield the sword, evil has been unabated.