Posters here think Trump should pay himself for his run for the president

the annoying thing

Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2022
Yes some posters here think trump should sell off his property's and pay for his campaign himself .
Only a ***** would do that and only a ***** would think he should.

Perhaps one of them can tell us how many president s have paid for their campaign out of their own pocket.

There are only a had full of people that could afford what it will cost . In 2016 they estimated BIDEN and trump spent a whopping 11 billion. So lets split that number . 5,500,000,000 each Trump hasn't got that kind of money. Not even close.

I guess they are jealous because has rich or hate republicans so much they are sick even wanting trump dead .
So it would only be fair for people to pay themselves for a run to be president. Is that what they really want or are they JUST MORONS as usual .

I think they fear he will undo a lot of the damage Biden has done to the nation and are still butt hurt over the queen of means loss. Hell they some even cried over it in public.
Talk about a bunch of limp wristed cowards .
So democrats here want Canidate's pay them selves how many non-billionaires can do this. They way their minds work only the super rich could run.
If Trump is so rich, let him pay his own bills.
Or he can depend on suckers.
Like you.
Well ***** I have never sent him a cent Nadda .zilch .So you got any more stupid claims . And you agree every one should pay for their own run for president that would be fir wouldn't it.
Or is fair to that he has to pay but others do not. Thats the way liberals work isnt it.
You think a presidential campaign is 5.5 billion? Uh no *****
Your article was the cost of every election, not just presidential
I already pointed that out but since you are dumber than a ***** you are too stupid to understand simple facts lol
Well ***** I have never sent him a cent Nadda .zilch .So you got any more stupid claims . And you agree every one should pay for their own run for president that would be fir wouldn't it.
Or is fair to that he has to pay but others do not. Thats the way liberals work isnt it.
Liberals dont say he has to pay, lying *****
God you are stupid lol