Post your Political Cartoons Here!

The @GOP & Dr. Akin bigotry towards women
La "acertada" visión que tienen el Viejo y Grande Partido por la 1/2, y el Dr. Akin sobre las mujeres:
Attached is a video cartoon that I made focusing on Todd Akin, and the ridiculousness of his offense and how many people have been forced to step down over much less severe gaffes.
Attached is a video cartoon that I made focusing on Todd Akin, and the ridiculousness of his offense and how many people have been forced to step down over much less severe gaffes.

What was so severe about Akins dumb remark?
I need this one explained to me. The oil and health care guys are clean happy and dont look stressed at all. the airline guy is the last in that group who looks like things are ok for them then the bank and wallstreet guys are beat up and just looks a mess. I dont get the cartoon. Perhaps its because I am short and it went over my head :)
I need this one explained to me. The oil and health care guys are clean happy and dont look stressed at all. the airline guy is the last in that group who looks like things are ok for them then the bank and wallstreet guys are beat up and just looks a mess. I dont get the cartoon. Perhaps its because I am short and it went over my head :)
I think they're all happy to be getting government handouts while verbally supporting a free market.

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