Post your Political Cartoons Here!

Not exactly a cartoon, but..


jefferson was an amazing visionary, in many aspects. I posted a couple of days ago some of his quotes that clearly show that, contrary to what the tea party believes, he would be considered MUCH too progressive for today's Republican party!
I’m overwhelmed and astonished of how AMERICA welcomes, greets and thanks their awesome saviors of freedom & democracy:

At least, now I know why Mr. Émile Michel Cioran said "heroes are just the ones that wreck their own country."
I’m overwhelmed and astonished of how AMERICA welcomes, greets and thanks their awesome saviors of freedom & democracy:

At least, now I know why Mr. Émile Michel Cioran said "heroes are just the ones that wreck their own country."

Those occupiers are no hero's One of them threw a police man in front of a bus in Portland Oregon after the Portland police bent over backwards helping them and not fining them for breaking every rule in the book. There is NOTHING heroic about the occupiers! If you think they are so fantastic, let them occupy mexico :)

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