Pope too far Left and long to live you think? Right wing Christian, Muslim, Jew or Pedophile Protect

My gosh do you guys make up this crap as you go along? I know many atheists including myself and we simply don't think about religion that much, let alone have an obsession with it.

What makes you think there is insecurity in our beliefs? Are you two being trolls just to get a rise out of us atheists?

You are confusing the millions of atheists with just a few who are outspoken. That's called over-generalization.

Gnostic seems to me to be a religious troll rather than an atheist troll.
I believe you, but as a Christian, I hope there are fewer atheist than you say... That's a lot of lost souls my friend..
Gnostic Christian Bishop. I believe the Pope was saying Abortion is not the only sin. Things like Pride, exploitation of the poor are also sins. We should not concentrate on others sins but our own.

I am surprised you say people who have abortion or divorce are going to hell.. This is not Ghostic belief as I understand it we can all be forgiven.
Gnostic Christian Bishop. I believe the Pope was saying Abortion is not the only sin. Things like Pride, exploitation of the poor are also sins. We should not concentrate on others sins but our own.

I am surprised you say people who have abortion or divorce are going to hell.. This is not Ghostic belief as I understand it we can all be forgiven.
I'm pretty sure that poster is neither gnostic nor a bishop and I'll leave the third characteristic to the Father to decide. some folks like to use colorfully assembled usernames.
Gnostic Christian Bishop. I believe the Pope was saying Abortion is not the only sin. Things like Pride, exploitation of the poor are also sins. We should not concentrate on others sins but our own.

I am surprised you say people who have abortion or divorce are going to hell.. This is not Gnostic belief as I understand it we can all be forgiven.

I threw that in for Christian readers.

Hell I define as a state of mind. Not the traditional immoral hell created by Christianity.

As to just concentrating on our own. That would mean turning from evil and that is quite evil in itself.

It is my view that all literalists and fundamentals hurt all of us who are moral religionists as well as those who do not believe. They all hurt their parent religions and everyone else who has a belief or not. They make us all into laughing stocks and should rethink their position. There is a Godhead but not the God of talking animals, genocidal floods and retribution. Beliefs in fantasy, miracles and magic are evil.

They also do much harm to their own.

African witches and Jesus
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Death to Gays.

For evil to grow my friends, all good people need do is nothing.
Fight them when you can. It is your duty to our fellow man.


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