Pompeo visits Taiwan to boost political capital for presidential bid?


Well-Known Member
May 1, 2014
1. Taiwan has honoured former US secretary of state Mike Pompeo during a visit to the island which may give him an opportunity to promote his credentials as a China hawk ahead of a possible presidential run.

One of the island’s favourite US politicians, Pompeo, arrived in Taipei for a four-day visit on Wednesday along with his wife and aides....

In a meeting with President Tsai Ing-wen on Thursday, Pompeo, a staunch supporter of Taiwan, was offered a medal in recognition of his contribution to advancing US-Taiwan ties...

Pompeo, currently a distinguished fellow at the Washington-based think tank the Hudson Institute...

Pompeo’s visit is expected to be closely monitored by Beijing as the former secretary of state has been reported to have presidential ambitions....

Observers said Pompeo was reported to have electoral aspirations and during his visit he was expected to cultivate his relationship with Taiwan to increase his political capital.

“He is given high level treatment in Taiwan – a US informal but close ally with bipartisan support from the American Congress – and this would help boost his political capital if he wants to run for president in 2024,” said Wang Kung-yi, director of the Taiwan International Strategic Study Society, a Taipei-based think tank

Source: https://www.scmp.com/news/china/dip...ves-mike-pompeo-chance-tout-credentials-china

2. Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo says he's been hitting the gym and laying off the junk food since leaving the Trump administration - resulting in the loss of 90 pounds in just six months.

Pompeo said he was motivated to start losing the weight on June 14, 2021 when he stepped on the scale and saw he was close to weighing 300 pounds for the first time in his life - three days after DailyMail.com spotted the 58-year-old stepping out of New York City steakhouse Smith & Wollensky after a three-hour dinner with his family...

Pompeo's weight loss has been noticed by many, causing speculation on social media. Some wondered if he was losing the pounds due to health issues.

Others speculate that he's prepared for a presidential run in 2024

Source: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/ar...ating-healthily-IHOP-favorite-restaurant.html

3. We asked weight loss experts, and people who have lost large amounts of weight themselves, whether it’s possible to lose 90 pounds in six months simply by eating better and hitting a humble home gym for half an hour five or six times a week. Their response? Absolutely not, almost certainly not, and hahaha.

That’s what Mike Pompeo, who represented Kansas in Congress before going on to become Donald Trump’s favorite cabinet member, told the New York Post that he did.

“I’ve done this for 20 years,” and never seen anything like that, said Micah LaCerte, who’s considered Kansas City’s top personal trainer. “He would have to be on a massive starvation diet,” probably taking in no carbs at all. And even then, “no way with only a half-hour workout. Ninety in six is unbelievable, especially for his age, unless he’s working out for hours every day. The numbers just don’t add up. Dude, just be honest. Mike, come on, man.”

While it may be theoretically possible, “it’s just not likely” without surgery, drugs or other extreme measures, says Al Rose, a longtime New York bodybuilder, trainer and coach. Even as a West Point-trained former soldier, Pompeo is “definitely being untruthful” claiming that DIY dietary changes and that amount of exercise alone could bring about such a drastic change in that length of time. And losing that much weight that quickly, he said, isn’t healthy under any circumstances...

Source: https://www.kansascity.com/opinion/editorials/article257140177.html

P.S. One reader remarked in the link below: “His face is sunken and his skin doesn’t look good.”

Source: https://www.joemygod.com/2022/01/hometown-paper-shreds-pompeos-weight-loss-claims/

4. In his memoir, "The Room Where It Happened", former national security adviser John Bolton claimed Pompeo slipped him a note mocking Trump during a 2018 meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un. The note read, "He is so full of s**t."

Barring any serious health issues, Pompeo will quite likely have "a clash of s**t" with his former boss in the 2024 presidential election. 😇

5. Borrowing a few words from a Tang poem "Yearning" ( 相思 ) by the Chinese poet Wang Wei ( 王维 699-761 AD), I compose the following poem about (the “oversized” but now miraculously “downsized") Pompeo's visit to Taiwan in his bid to boost political capital for his presidential run in 2024.


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