HAHA no, I like it actually. And Dora shouldn’t bother me either but when I first saw him call me that I thought of Dora the explorer and thought he was making fun of my being partly Spanish. It took a little while for me to figure out he was just using part of the word Pandora. I guess I was just showing how easy it is for someone to get offended even when it’s something totally innocent.
People jump to conclusions and get upset so easily. It’s one of the problems we have in this country. I didn’t know I could get mad over something that silly, but I did. I think in general we are too overly sensitive. And no one should have to walk on eggshells because someone might take what you say wrong.
That being said, it’s totally different if someone comes out and flat attacks you or accuses you of being something you are not, for instants being on welfare. Purposeful attacks just to be mean are different. We should get offended by that. But I shouldn’t have instantly jumped to the conclusion he was making fun of my being Spanish because he called me Dora.