Schools are controlled by women for the most part, and watching over the years it seems we are turning our children into ...... I can not think of a good word that is not rude Panty wastes?
We no longer use red markers to check the papers for errors because that is a threatening color, we now use purple.
We no longer let little Sally cheer for her friend who is playing against another kid, you can cheer but dont say her name because the person she is playing against might get their feelings hurt.
We no longer have winners because everyone is a winner
Some schools dont even have school colors or mascots because some feel its wrong to teach kids school pride.
These kids are going to have a heart attack when they hit the real world.
The future is a nation full of girls who probably are like girls usually are and a nation of boys that you cant tell the differnce between them and the girls.
These women want everyone to be like them, warm and fuzzy...
Hmmm... None of these things apply to the school my daughter is going to.