Playing Americans for Fools


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2013
Guatemala and Mexico agreed this week to make it even easier for people to show up at the American border.

That’s right: EASIER.

After all the public outcry against thousands of foreigners crossing our border, you might have thought the Mexican government would help stop the wave of people traversing Mexico to get to Texas. That would be a good neighbor policy.

On Monday, however, the presidents of Guatemala and Mexico met to announce a new policy of making it easier and more orderly for citizens of Belize, Guatemala and Honduras to travel through Mexico to the United States. This “Safe Passage” program will create a 72 hour window for Central Americans to transit Mexico to try to get into the United States. This is clearly a bad neighbor policy.

It is hard for most Americans to understand how the president of a country can openly encourage people to flee his country and try to move into another country. For most nations that would be a sign of enormous failure. The president of Guatemala, however, seems eager to facilitate the thousands of people fleeing his country.

On June 20, Vice President Biden visited Guatemala and warned the Guatemalan president that the U.S. would enforce deportation of Guatemalans who sought to enter this country.

Biden was apparently as believable in Guatemala as Obama has been in Syria, Iraq, Crimea, Ukraine and a dozen other foreign policy failures.

The contempt foreign governments display toward the Obama administration (and therefore toward the United States) is breathtaking.

Of course, President Obama was busy shooting pool, ordering pizza, and shaking hands with a man in a horse mask. How could we ask him to pay attention to the alliance of Guatemala and Mexico against the United States?

The flood of foreigners is going to accelerate.

The costs are going to rise dramatically.

The contempt for the Obama administration is going to continue to grow.

This is a recipe for disaster.
“My faith in God has kept me away from Taco Bells for over two decades,” Ted Cruz told the assembled crowd of illegal aliens baking in the hot Texas sun, “and Jesus can do the same for you if you’ll only let him into your heart.” Cruz, along with media mogul, Glenn Beck, is spending Saturday on the US-Mexican border distributing much needed material and spiritual relief to literally dozens of children forced at gun-point by their parents to break US immigration laws.

“We have the chance for a two-fer and possibly even a three-fer or four-fer,” Cruz told The National Report. “These kids need help for beyond physical sustenance. So, yes, we’re giving them an apple and, thanks to the Coca Cola Company, a bottle of crisp, refreshing Dasani sparkling water in a wide variety of delicious flavors, but more importantly we’re letting them know that they don’t have to be Mexican. I’m a little too old to be called a ‘poster child’ but look at me – I used to be Mexican AND Canadian. Through prayer and the power and love of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, I’m now 100% American.” “Crisp, refreshing Dasani sparkling water coming, as it does, in a wide variety of delicious flavors is a life giver,” interjected Beck, “and so is Jesus.”
Most people respect President Obama a great deal more than you previous weirdo, surely? And, surely, the majority of your present citizens came from elsewhere because their ancestors couldn't make it there? What's new?
Most people respect President Obama a great deal more than you previous weirdo, surely? And, surely, the majority of your present citizens came from elsewhere because their ancestors couldn't make it there? What's new?
Ever heard of immigration laws?

All countries have them .....
Most people respect President Obama a great deal more than you previous weirdo, surely? And, surely, the majority of your present citizens came from elsewhere because their ancestors couldn't make it there? What's new?

Actually, the polls show the opposite to be true.

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