Still Trying To Clean-Up, After ReRon Reagan


Well-Known Member
Mar 12, 2022
"While the influx from Venezuela has drawn the most recent attention, Guatemala has long ranked among the top Latin American sources of migrants to the United States; it only fell behind Mexico and Venezuela during the most recent federal fiscal year.

Between 2000 and 2021, the number of foreign-born Guatemalans in the U.S. more than tripled to about 1 million, according to the Pew Research Center.

To curb migration, two Denver-area nonprofits are taking a hands-on approach in Guatemala. They’re working on the ground to reduce poverty and address other conditions that have spurred many of its citizens to journey to the U.S.

Present-day Guatemala was forged by a tumultuous history, including decades of civil war and corrupt politics, along with extreme economic inequalities. Significant numbers of residents have left the country to escape those conflicts and pressures — including immigrants who established longstanding Guatemalan communities in Alamosa and Denver."

"The nation had hummed along for 40 years on a top income tax bracket of 91% and a corporate income tax that topped out around 50%. Business leaders ran their companies, which were growing faster than at any time in the history of America, and largely avoided participating in politics.

Democrat Franklin Roosevelt and Republican Dwight Eisenhower had renewed America with modern, state-of-the-art public labs, schools, and public hospitals across the nation; nearly free college, trade school, and research support; healthy small and family businesses; unions protecting a third of America’s workers, setting the wage floor so two-thirds of us had a living wage and benefits; and an interstate highway system, rail system, and network of new airports that transformed the nation’s commerce."
