Physicians FOR A SINGLE-Payer System!!!!

Mr. Shaman

Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2007
Sorry, Right-Wingers!

The In$urance-Indu$try isn't the only Expert on this matter what they tell you.​

"Amidst the give and take of the health care reform discussion is an underlying basic moral imperative: Does a wealthy country like the United States have an ethical obligation to provide access to health care to everybody?

If the U.S. made the moral choice to provide universal coverage, like other industrialized nations, then we too could design a fair, efficient and high-quality health care system for all Americans.

So the first question that must be answered by policy makers is, “Do we want to live in a society that lets tens of thousands of our neighbors die each year, and hundreds of thousands face financial ruin, because they can’t afford medical care when they are sick?” - Richard A. Damon, MD