Pentagon Labels Founding Fathers, Conservatives as Extremists

One thing those FFs did know is that the potential for change was alwsys going to be present. Isolationism was the right idea for the times but makes no sense now.

The Founders were NOT isolationists. They were Non-Interventionists. But, sadly, America has not followed a non-interventionist foreign policy for a long long time...probably not since the Founders were alive.
Pentagon Labels Founding Fathers, Conservatives as Extremists

Under a section titled “Extremist Ideologies,” the document states, “In U.S. history, there are many examples of extremist ideologies and movements. The colonists who sought to free themselves from British rule and the Confederate states who sought to secede from the Northern states are just two examples.”

The training documents also focus on those who cherish individual liberty.

“Nowadays, instead of dressing in sheets or publically espousing hate messages, many extremists will talk of individual liberties, states’ rights and how to make the world a better place.”

“It’s disturbing insight into what’s happening inside Obama’s Pentagon,” Fitton told Fox News. “The Obama administration has a nasty habit of equating basic conservative values with terrorism.”


So we continue down the road to communism. A Country where wrong is right and right is wrong. How is it that are Founding Fathers and conservatives are now "extremist" or "terrorist" under the current Obama regime? How is it that American values and morality is wrong and true extremism is right?

How is it that Freedom, Liberties and the pursuit of happiness is now extreme and supporting these ideas now makes one a terrorist?

How is it that this is not extreme:
Homeland Security Employee’s Hate-Filled Website to Prepare Blacks for the ‘Inevitable Clash With the White Race’

How is it that this is not extreme:

‘White Supremacy, Colonialism, Heteromasculinity, and Capitalism’ Led to Trayvon Martin Killing, Prof Says

Yet somehow our Founding and the conservative and moral values that made America the greatest Country in the world and enabled us to provide more Freedoms, Liberties and success to more human beings, not only here in the US, but across the globe, more so than in any other time of recorded history of this planet is now, under the communist Obama regime, labeled as "extreme"!

The only explanation for this current regime and the ideologies that are supported by these people is:

EVIL ..... plain and simple!
The 'world' as the Bible describes the majority ungodly mobs who have dominated political power in every nation since the beginning of time, hates America, its Christian morals and values, and its Christian heritage. That is why they have been trying to tear down those values and traditions so they can rebuilt the nation in a fashion more suitable to their ungodly perverted and demented tastes.

The US military is like a boat loosened from its moors in a storm when it comes to upholding values. The top brass dictates what views the rest of the military adhere to and the top brass is molded by the changing winds of the adopted opinions of the civilian politicians ruling over them.
The 'world' as the Bible describes the majority ungodly mobs who have dominated political power in every nation since the beginning of time, hates America, its Christian morals and values, and its Christian heritage. That is why they have been trying to tear down those values and traditions so they can rebuilt the nation in a fashion more suitable to their ungodly perverted and demented tastes.

The US military is like a boat loosened from its moors in a storm when it comes to upholding values. The top brass dictates what views the rest of the military adhere to and the top brass is molded by the changing winds of the adopted opinions of the civilian politicians ruling over them.
Bloody hell. Not those ungodly mobs again. Can we stop them?

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