Paul Krugman mocks the teabaggers

Hey foggedin... Pay my tax bill for me. since you like the concept. email me your credit card info and I'll just rack it up.

As a matter of fact, I think all the idiot libs on this blog ought to go ahead and pony up to pay all the taxes for those of us who think we are being over taxed....

Since they think, we don't already pay enough, let them pay more.

How does that sound?
remember, your hero, Obama said to spread the wealth around. Time to rise and shine you obama bots.!
Hey, check out the diversity in that all white tea party brought to you by the all white party.

So in your world, if a black man choose to not go to a party, it's the fault of the white people who did go? I thought you were in favor of a color blind society... funny how the first thing you did is check out the color of the people there. Sounds a bit racist to me.

Funny how I never notice color, but liberals do. Well, just to prove your stupidity wrong...



Guy in the back


Of course, to me their all Americans. But liberals are complete idiots. So I'm glad to smack down the idiocy here.
Lets see:

No nude protesters,
No throwing blood on people,
No smashing bank windows,
No plans to bring pepper spray,
No chaining themselves to trees,
No drunkeness,

Just regular folks of all sorts and types objecting to both parties in government taxing us too much and spending the money foolishly.

Here is a quote from one of the websites promoting one of these events:

"This cuts across party lines and demographic divides. It's not about Republican or Democrat, it’s about citizens who believe America can only survive if we protect the principles of liberty from a federal government that is out of control and must be reformed now. And that's a real message of hope," he said. "

Now if the MSM and the libs choose to stay out of it then it will be by default be the conservatives who attend - but that is not their fault. The libs are invited to be a part of it just as much as anyone else.
Thousands and Thousands stood up today. They were average every day citizens fed up with govt and the spending, and not being heard.

Obama needs to be listening. He should be worried
Thousands and Thousands stood up today. They were average every day citizens fed up with govt and the spending, and not being heard.

Obama needs to be listening. He should be worried

Today there were democrat protesters too. They shut down an event with their loud disgusting behavior. You know, just being them selves. But the good news is that the school called Mr Tancredo and said he was very sorry for how the students acted.

The funniest part is these are obama worshipers and they are chanting “no dialog with hate” while stopping a fellow American from his free speech. These same sick twisted freaks are happy that obama is “dialoging with the worst of the worst in the world. They truly have a mental disorder

Story below

Students disrupt Tancredo speech

CHAPEL HILL, N.C., April 15 (UPI) -- A speech by former U.S. Rep. Tom Tancredo, R-Colo., was disrupted by hundreds of student protesters at the University of North Carolina.

The students shouted profanities at Tancredo Tuesday and accused him of racism for opposing the granting of in-state tuition benefits to illegal immigrants, The News & Observer newspaper in Raleigh, N.C., reported Wednesday.

Just minutes after Tancredo began speaking, one of the protesters shattered a window in the room, prompting Tancredo to leave and leading campus police to shut down the event.

Tancredo was invited to speak by the University of North Carolina chapter of Youth for Western Civilization, a national group that opposes immigration, multiculturalism and affirmative action.

He told The News & Observer that he had never before been silenced by protesters.

"Fascists are fascists," Tancredo told the newspaper. "Their actions were probably the best speech I could every give. They are what's wrong with America today. When all you can do is yell epithets, that means you are intellectually bankrupt."

Video of the sick twisted freaks in protest in following link

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