Patriotic it necessary ?

I think it's either one way or the other. Lack of a nationalistic education evolves into anti-nationalistic education like we see so much in America today.

Once more I'm confronted with the fact that your definition of anti-nationalistic education is probably vastly different from mine. If anti-nationalistic education means teaching kids about the hundreds (thousands?) of Indians who were needlessly slaughtered by our government, then yeah...that's what's getting taught.

Part of forming an opinion on something is that you have to see the positives and the negatives. Otherwise you're just getting fed propaganda and instead of an enlightened nation of individuals we wind up with a nation of mindless, flagophile drones. Which would you prefer?
I think it's either one way or the other. Lack of a nationalistic education evolves into anti-nationalistic education like we see so much in America today.
There's just nothing like black and white thinking to cut down on the need for real thinking. Rampant ethnocentrism has been getting people killed for thousands of years and IF IT WAS GOOD ENOUGH FOR THEM, THEN IT'S, BY GOD!, GOOD ENOUGH FOR US.
Thats absoloute ****. Let kids make up their own mind wether they love their country or not. Telling kids to love it isn't fair, letting them look at the country from a more neutral perspective at first can let them make a fair choice.

You should teach kids if they don't like their country, to change it for the good of the people.

Not pointing out specifically to Sublime but there are a lot of morons engaging in politics today who know nothing about it and try to deny reality by trying to change it.

You're not acquainted with the real facts and harsh truths of life. The things a community must push against to preserve itself for its children and maintain its efficiency and splendor. You think I'm fascist? Everything you love about your country, your world, everything we've done that has been celebrated through the ages with granted ignorant wonder, was all achieved by form, by structure, by definitive action, by the understanding of excellence. Fascist? Hardly. Just a brave fools dream just as communism. The only difference is standard only has results and enables countries to stand with the manly nations of the earth and take part in laying the path for mankind. Like I said, you're not acquainted with the truth. Countries must kill to get to the top, foreign and domestic. Uncompromising excellence, the understanding of excellence, the things that make life wonderful and worth living must be fought for and carved like when the insignificant, beaten, exhausted Romans stood up against the Gauls. They vowed to never give in, to never give up and never surrender to the threat of dominance, enslavement, and worst of all, the force of barbarism on her people. It was the fascist understanding of standard, excellence that made the core of Rome that gave it its unwavering character with the strength to chase those God-Forsaken tribesmen across the Alps at the descent of the Romans storming their fields and homes holding up high their Eagles with a stern face, gripping their blood-dripping Gladii. That's reality we have been cursed with on this earth but it is a reality I wouldn't trade for anything. Anything else leads to despair and emptiness.
Thats absoloute ****. Let kids make up their own mind wether they love their country or not. Telling kids to love it isn't fair, letting them look at the country from a more neutral perspective at first can let them make a fair choice.

You should teach kids if they don't like their country, to change it for the good of the people.

That's ideal but you need to have a fair and impartial presentation of the facts in order to allow kids to make up their own minds and that's pretty much impossible in today's world where education is dominated by the liberal elite.

For instance -- I thought FDR walked on water from what my middle and high school teachers taught me. I didn't know any better, how could I? It wasn't until I got into higher level education and started doing research on my own that I realized he wasn't all he's cranked up to be.
Almost forgot

I almost forgot my decision I made regarding the new "American" stock of anti-tradition hippie liberals currently residing in the United States. As I have written before, it is clearly obvious that liberalism which encompasses most every person that has written to foolishly and ignorently attack, criticize and denounce me will eventually I am convinced destroy America thorougly and disconnect and disenfranchise itself from its glorious heroic past. And as America stands rotting while its support beams are incessantly attacked and are falling down, I have no regret in my heart for my actions or my family's to the contribution of its internal decay.

Aside from a couple, there is no doubt the people leading the country today aren't half the men that led the country a hundred years ago. Not half. So who cares. I have to eat like everyone else and it helps none to become depressed about America and its future and curse at the liberals because in the end, we're all dead men anyway. It is far better to learn to live with it and discard it and try to learn how to do things that interest me and can profit from than try to fix the country. It wasn't us who destroyed it and it shouldn't be us to become angry and depressed when America runs out of steam. We should also not be the ones looking to fix it because we have only done good for our country and should not end up as cannon fodder to protect its descending decadence. It is far wiser to maintain strong bonds with our family and get married to sensible people and raise children. It is far wiser to concentrate on ourselves in a selfless fashion like men do when things are as they should be. Conservatives will ultimately fail at trying to correct the situation at this point so I might as well concede defeat and accept it that America is in decline and will lose its command of the world all because of buried mistakes and many new mistakes that give liberals a hard-on over. So I, representing the Old American (Fifth Generation, Half Italian, Quarter German, Quarter British, Military apt New Yorker) will now go gently into the night and let the world that had been pushed away out of the public theater for so long (under the effort for national strength and cultural wonder) that means decay and weakness, swell my silhouette behind me and continue the devour of the things that were once understood as America's Greatness. As for you liberals (using the term liberal liberally [no pun intended]) like Sublime, Segep, Sgt Schultz, and many more on this board that don't have the faintest clue about what a country is, how a country really runs and what it needs to function and prosper, you are all cowards living under the architectual sky of conservatives and always have been. That's why nothing matters to you that is changed yet the world matters to you in a mindless, religious fervor of things being fought to stay the same. How cute and unprincipally fuzzy you all are. Continue your masquerade thinking you're so much smarter than the actual people who designed and laid the crumbling foundation you walk on with your incessant appetite for change and social destruction. I'm convinced one of you will even be foolish and liberal enough to reply to this post and attack your own very nature for your own self-reflection and public reflection meanwhile not having any true understanding of your own meaningless, reclusive, grotesque, dogmatic existence. What will my new Socially political agenda be? I'm not sure but I suppose I will begin to try and accurately label people for what they are rather than debating with them to no avail. It is far wiser to know who you are and try and learn if the ideology holds any water in all persepectives with the parallel discovery of its relation and influence to other ideologies rather than foolishly debating with other entrenched souls whom will never be convinced of anything different. Arrogance is somthing else. Some people say I am arrogant on these forums when the strongest things I profess I know the most about from all different perspectives to arrive at my own conclusion (which is almost universally conservative). Other people can never be convinced otherwise even when their beliefs are clearly unworkable, radically dramatic, and against the consensus.

The purpose of education is to broaden minds, not to narrow them. Critical thinking and philosophical rationality will always produce more intelligent and more morally conscious citizens than will mindless absorption of principles that a large part of the population thinks kids should have.
Students should know the good and the bad about their country and understand the point of view from other countries. And they should be able to understand how ideology forms and why rather than simply absorb the one we pick for them.
Justinian, stop making yourself as some noble protecter and wise man - it even looks like you're going for the sympathy post. You have contributed nothing more than every other hard working person in this world, you have not invented, discovered, or done anything very unique. Don't try and make yourself out to be some kind of protecter of morality and decency. You can write a good post, making your viewpoint seem very original and clever, but it is nothing more than a standard conservative viewpoint with some homophobia, racism and general intolerance and arrogance thrown in.

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