Parliament shooting: Police officer 'stabbed'

Good idea, but in this case, the perp was a native born Brit. A visa was not involved.
Yup. Home grown and proud to be British...yippee!! And, we can send them over to you without them worrying about being on your banned list.
Homeland Security should commence questioning of British visitors displaying hircine or ovine characteristics combined with a Midlands accent.
Now. do I start a new thread?

I moved this to the new thread you wanted. It's in US politics. This is a European politics forum.
Instructions for the process in that thread.
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As I said elsewhere driving into crowds is not confine to Muslims. Banning Muslims will not stop it.
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Old people do it and it's an accident. Who else does it intentionally.
They have stop me driving but I don't think I drove into crowds deliberately!
Not all people who do this are old. The Melbourne driver was middle aged and did wheelies first.
I suspect that such drivers whether Muslim or not will be deter by bans. Just make it difficult to clash into important buildings or people.
Now. do I start a new thread? It seems that there is a time lapse between the threads offered and the news breaking.
For exemple. .. what about the "Trumpdon'tcare" bill FAILING?
The bill was pulled twice, two days in a row. . .and it seems that it is DEAD. . .at least for this Congress!

This is HUGE news! Especially when you consider that for the last 6 years, the GOP has voted (something like 66 X) to repeal ACA. . .and Trump was LARGELY elected on the promise to repeal ACA! Obviously, he realise it was just a "pie in the sky," and he didn't even want his name attached to it! But he also showed that he is NOT as strong a negotiator as he prides himself to be (DUH! I could have told you that!).

Good. . .the poor, the elderly, and the disabled, and just the middle class, are safe for another few months!

What a slap in the face for Trump though. . .he is demonstrating how to be a the AMAZING LOSER he has always been!

Do you remember his comment? "You're going to be sick of winning. . .we'll win so much!"


At the top of the page, a couple of lines down on the left hand side, click on "forums." Scroll down to find the forum you want to post in, then click "Post new thread." Give it a title, look around to see if someone else has beaten you to it, and post your thread.

Hope that helps.