Palin wrote an e-mail to friends pretending to be God

Palin helped McCain initially, mostly with the religious base, but once the truth came out and she was exposed for the blank slate she really is, she became a liability.

All the polls at the time, and I should know because I posted a good bit of them, showed Palin eventually hurting the McCain campaign.

The Republicans need much more than the support of a bunch of fundies to win a national election...McCain's choice of Palin was a major mistake and the public thought it reflected badly upon his judgment.

I won’t disagree

But the point I was making is the people in the McCain camp who are still going on about Sarah Palin are angry at her because in general republicans rejected them and their idea, it still bothers them that is why they keep attacking her.

I don’t know why they are so upset, they should just leave the party and become democrats. Powell is upset too. He wants to believe that most republicans think like him, but hell not even many democrats think like him. He said we wanted higher taxes and bigger government. The moment California had the chance to vote down higher taxes and bigger government they did it, even in places like Frisco.


Stab a conservative in the back to earn a Moderate Republican medal and if the wound is deep enough, you'll receive temporary praise from the Demoprogs and lamestream media!

You are right, and all those same slime buckets ran on Reagan's coat tails. They go to where they were by calling themself a foot soilder in the Reagan army blah blah but they stab him and the party in the back every chance they get.

Right now they are busy with thier noses so far up obamas but they cant see daylight but as soon as the tide changes they will be spewing what they love about Reagan values exc. blah blah.

I just hope people are not so stupid as to listen.
Palin cannot carry the business side of Republicans, nor can she really carry the national security side. She has no chance to be President unless she all but turns into a different person.

She already is a different person. The Sarah Palin the nation and world knows today is not the same Sarah Palin that Alaskans elected in 2006.
I've stated from the 'get - go' that the republican party had many other smarter/more influential women on their short list to pick from, so WHY DID THEY CHOOSE HER???

They didn't John McCain did it out of spite...the GOP wouldn't let him have the VP choice that he wanted so he pulled a; "I'm gonna show you all who's running this campaign" and he pulled the 'PURRTY ONE' out of the stack! And in a 'pathetic/sad' kind of way...I feel very, very sorry for this twisted over inflated ego of a woman...she's clueless and self-inflicted STUPID...and now that John McCains created this 'publicity monster' there's no making her go the hell away!!!

But she's the gift {mouth} that just keeps on giving, over & over & over again!

I dont think she is as "dumb" as people like to think she is. Ignorant and inexperienced, yes, but she isnt dumb.
becuse she makes sure she is in the news, and some people still think she should lead this nation in god I think I would want Bush II back again before her....

She certainly has maintained her public appearances, and has been smart enough to make them generally favorable to her to this point. Part of this is her cherrypicking her appearances and interviews. She was certainly quick to play the victim/martyr to Letterman not long ago.
From the first post in the thread!

In a new article in Vanity Fair , former McCain presidential campaign aides call Sarah Palin, among other things, a “Little Shop of Horrors " and a “whack job.”

This is not a case of Sarah Palin talking about herself, its disgruntled RINO's who do not like that republicans like Sarah Palin more than they like the RINO's in the McCain camp.

They were mad that it took Palin to charge up the base, they were mad that it took Palin to get people to want to even go to the rallys, they were mad that it took Sarah Palin to get people to start donating money, and if others who donated were like me they put FOR SARAH PALIN in the reason why box.

They never got over it and probably wont ever get over the fact that they suck and they are unwanted, and unneeded RINO's

While I wont disagree that in some cases Sarah was able to mobilize the "base" of the GOP. But as Rob points out, she isnt at all in line with the business/foreign policy/national security wings of the party. She has the pro-life wing and that is about it.

Also, I get a major kick out of this whole RINO name that gets tossed around. When will her GOP supporters realize that she is in herself a RINO. She has proven herself to be much more of one, even more of a socialist;) in her major policy issues while making public policy than any former Governor of Alaska, or Mayor of Wasilla has ever seen. Its not even close.
While I wont disagree that in some cases Sarah was able to mobilize the "base" of the GOP. But as Rob points out, she isnt at all in line with the business/foreign policy/national security wings of the party. She has the pro-life wing and that is about it.

Also, I get a major kick out of this whole RINO name that gets tossed around. When will her GOP supporters realize that she is in herself a RINO. She has proven herself to be much more of one, even more of a socialist;) in her major policy issues while making public policy than any former Governor of Alaska, or Mayor of Wasilla has ever seen. Its not even close.

All rights are reserved for the state. When we refer to socialism, we mean federalized control over the nation. And although she does have a few specific issues that are leftist and democrat based, she is nothing like McCain who sides with the left on nearly every issue.
I dont think she is as "dumb" as people like to think she is. Ignorant and inexperienced, yes, but she isnt dumb.

How to measure intelligence...hmmm!!! As with some of our notated 'Larger then Life Women' in the news {lets just say the past 20 years} the ability to be public savvy and a con-artist soul makes them very capable of gaining the attention of the masses while smiling that wonderful smile and getting the rewards/accolades/camera's finite attention and working behind the scenes like a 'gangsters mole' and running off with the loot/goodies/cash/greenbacks. Al Capon could take lesson from her!!! ;)
While I wont disagree that in some cases Sarah was able to mobilize the "base" of the GOP. But as Rob points out, she isnt at all in line with the business/foreign policy/national security wings of the party. She has the pro-life wing and that is about it.

Also, I get a major kick out of this whole RINO name that gets tossed around. When will her GOP supporters realize that she is in herself a RINO. She has proven herself to be much more of one, even more of a socialist;) in her major policy issues while making public policy than any former Governor of Alaska, or Mayor of Wasilla has ever seen. Its not even close.

Dont get me wrong, I dont think she could win an election. She would not have enough Republican support or Indy or Dem support. I am just saying that she gave life to the dying McCain campaign, and that really really upset those working on the campaign.

If you rather, we can call them moderates instead of RINO's, either is accurate.

You have said before that she is more like a socialist, I have tried to understand where you are coming from but I just dont see it. Maybe I will see it someday soon :)
The original title on this thread was "Palin wrote an email to friends, pretending to be God." I don't have to guess what she meant, or what she was trying to say, as so many on the left do when they are busy defending what their foot-in-mouth leaders have said.

She was simply acknowledging that she believes fully that the unborn child she was carrying, known to be less than "perfect" by public standards, was still a creation of God, a life given by Him.

Again, if you feel the need to brainlessly pick-and-choose what you'd like to cite, you could at least make a token effort to be accurate. The hatchet piece in Vanity Fair was no surprise.

Gee, I don't know, maybe she is refusing to participate in an endless campaign season... The good old days when you actually had a couple years between the presidential election and the next campaigns starting would seem refreshing.
The original title on this thread was "Palin wrote an email to friends, pretending to be God." I don't have to guess what she meant, or what she was trying to say, as so many on the left do when they are busy defending what their foot-in-mouth leaders have said.

She was simply acknowledging that she believes fully that the unborn child she was carrying, known to be less than "perfect" by public standards, was still a creation of God, a life given by Him.

Again, if you feel the need to brainlessly pick-and-choose what you'd like to cite, you could at least make a token effort to be accurate. The hatchet piece in Vanity Fair was no surprise.

Gee, I don't know, maybe she is refusing to participate in an endless campaign season... The good old days when you actually had a couple years between the presidential election and the next campaigns starting would seem refreshing.

If she wrote the email I don’t see anything wrong with it, but considering the source, people who would do anything to bring her down... I don’t know if it’s believable that she even wrote the email.

Right after the election some of these "McCain workers" came out with some stuff about her that later McCain said was not true and he did not know why they would say such things.

Who ever these "McCain workers" are, none of them are willing to put their name behind their words. Not in this case, not in the last case right after the election.

But again even if she did write the email there is nothing wrong with it. She clearly does not think she is God, she openly admits to serving God.
If she wrote the email I don’t see anything wrong with it, but considering the source, people who would do anything to bring her down... I don’t know if it’s believable that she even wrote the email.

Right after the election some of these "McCain workers" came out with some stuff about her that later McCain said was not true and he did not know why they would say such things.

Who ever these "McCain workers" are, none of them are willing to put their name behind their words. Not in this case, not in the last case right after the election.

But again even if she did write the email there is nothing wrong with it. She clearly does not think she is God, she openly admits to serving God.

I've no problem with whether she wrote the email or not. The title Popeye has tagged this with is a lie, based on information from a VF hit piece. I didn't see anything in this to think she was "pretending to be God."

It's akin to the "Talent on Loan from God" that Rush Limbaugh says. He gets flamed for it, but as he's made clear for anyone bothering to listen he is only acknowledging that his belief is that his talent is God's, not his, and "on loan" to him for the time being.

These "McCain workers" are not nameless, altogether. One has been named, very clearly, by Bill Kristol. Bill worked on the McCain/Palin campaign, and there is no doubt in his mind that the "source" for VF is Steve Schmidt. This link is to a Weekly Standard blog, so it's classified as editorial, but explains quite well...
I've no problem with whether she wrote the email or not. The title Popeye has tagged this with is a lie, based on information from a VF hit piece. I didn't see anything in this to think she was "pretending to be God."

It's akin to the "Talent on Loan from God" that Rush Limbaugh says. He gets flamed for it, but as he's made clear for anyone bothering to listen he is only acknowledging that his belief is that his talent is God's, not his, and "on loan" to him for the time being.

These "McCain workers" are not nameless, altogether. One has been named, very clearly, by Bill Kristol. Bill worked on the McCain/Palin campaign, and there is no doubt in his mind that the "source" for VF is Steve Schmidt. This link is to a Weekly Standard blog, so it's classified as editorial, but explains quite well...

You are right but I guess I am so used to Popeye's posts I did not think of it that way :)
You are right but I guess I am so used to Popeye's posts I did not think of it that way :)

I sure can appreciate that! Popeye is one of those that I mostly have on ignore, but once and awhile he has something insightful to say. Or he will post something (like this) that screams right from the headline WARNING! CONTENT MAY LEAD YOU TO INCREDULITY!...;)
She has proven herself to be much more of one, even more of a socialist in her major policy issues while making public policy than any former Governor of Alaska, or Mayor of Wasilla has ever seen.

The only thing I'm unclear about here is how you can see her as being socialistic but flatly reject the notion that the Democrat party is in any way seeking socialist policies.

Also... As usual Andy is entirely correct about Socialism being perfectly acceptable on a state level. I have said that elsewhere, if states like California and Michigan want a European style Socialist Welfare State... More power to 'em! Just don't come crying to the Fed, who then siphons money from fiscally responsible states, to bail yer azz out when you go broke paying for all that bloated, corrupt and waste filled bureaucracy!

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