Well-Known Member
Ah, yes, more offensive generalizations. We expected no better of you.
His posts make a nice backdrop for us to paint more reasonable posts against.
Ah, yes, more offensive generalizations. We expected no better of you.
That is the kind of response you expect from those bereft of argument.
If you are looking for a naturalistic explanation then it would be simple to do a test of that hypothesis.
If you have reason to think that there would be a supernatural explanation then the situation becomes more complicated.
The only problem is there is no reason to think there is a supernatural reason.
The fact remains that god is a hypothesis of the most incredible kind and the only supporting evidence that is cited is a book that makes the Lord of the Rings look like non-fiction.
The ontological argument, the cosmological argument, Pascal's wager and all the rest of the pseudo-intellectual arguments that have attempted to add something are ong discredited.
Long ago people thought that thunder was the sound of angry gods. They didn't understand thunder so they came up with a quick but baseless answer.
Science has explained what thunder really is and now very few people think it is the sound of angry gods.
Christianity is exactly the same. It takes the question 'how did it all start? and makes up a quick but baseless answer in the same way that primitive man did to explain thunder.
The hypothesis of god has been on the table for a few thousand years without anyone being able to provide verifiable supporting evidence.
I think that is enough don't you?
Oh and the fact that you can't prove a negative does not confer existence on god.
Honestly, it is a desperate argument.
If you look back you will see that I have never made that argument. What I have said many times is that you cannot make the opposite argument that there is no God. God is neither verifiably proven nor disproven. Furthermore while god is provable (just as yet not proven empirically) the statement that there is no God can never be proven.
When I do say there is a God it is clearly my own faith supported by my own experiences.
Tell me, if you saw God yourself would you believe in Him then?
If you saw father xmas would you believe in him?
I accept that from a strictlky logical point of view you cannoty prove there is no god.
But you can't prove there aren't any fairies at the bottom of your garden.
It is a worthless argument.
And anywway the onus is on those who assert existence to prove it and so far in the god debate they are proven to be wofeully lacking.
You are avoiding the question on two threads.
I am not asking you to prove that there is not God. I am not asking about fairies. I am not asking you about the evidence that anyone else has or has not provided.
If you saw God with your own eyes would you believer in God? It is a simple yes or no question. There are no semantics here.
You are still avoiding the question.The question is ridiculous.
It is like saying iof god existed would you believe he existed?
It is no different to me asking if you saw father xmas would you believe in him and you are avoiding that cos it shows how stupid your question is.
You should remember you are the one who has made uip a fairy story to answer diffciult questions rather than do the adult thing and search for answers
there is no reason to believe the testament of the prophets.
The bible is a work of fiction
do you believe in talking snakes?