Palin ordered to pay back taxes

OK Padora,
I realized I didnt address the issues of accessibility in my previous post. Firstly, she is staying there for the most part during the legislative session. But that is only 90 days of the year. So I am going to not discussion the first 3 months of the calendar year.

But otherwise, it makes it difficult for her to be apart of the Juneau capital scene. Meaning that the number of events and such that are held at the first home is less. Alaska, being a small state in human numbers is known to have regular citizens visit the home and the Governor throughout the year. This simply cant happen at her private home out in the Valley.

All the other Governors have made the mansion accessibly and themselves open to Alaskan, and when she is not there, it makes it more difficult. Imagine the ire it would cause if Obama said he was only going to reside at the White House when Congress is in session.
funny how all the same who ranted about Obama people not paying taxes correctly,....dont care at all now...

fact is taxes for people doing what they do, are not easy and people are bount to screw up. I know I have screwed up one mine once and mine did not even have that much to do at the time.

It's really funny how you Obama supporters justify for people who bluntly don't care about U.S. laws.

I'm a self emplyed person. I'm busy and I make sure that I pay my taxes every year. What makes those people better than the regular american that makes them feel that paying taxes is not important?
Check out this one...even Cafferty thinks she's a bimbo....a pathetic one at that.

I wonder what the forum would think if one calls Obama a monkey, or the N word.... It seems that you so easily use negative adjetives when adressing republicans
It's really funny how you Obama supporters justify for people who bluntly don't care about U.S. laws.

I'm a self emplyed person. I'm busy and I make sure that I pay my taxes every year. What makes those people better than the regular american that makes them feel that paying taxes is not important?

umm I was deffending Palin as well, becuse the tax system is complex and I understand that people are prone to mistakes on them. More often then not, the errors even go against them not in there favor.

but again when you can show me where I said paying taxes is not important...I will debate you. untill then debate the straw man...its a battle of even wits I would bet.