Palin business shut down by state


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Washington state
UPDATE: The Sarah Palin Chronicles ("executive experience" edition)

The Washington Post is now reporting that Sarah Palin and her husband were part owners of a business that was shut down by the state for noncompliance with state regulations:

State records show the business ran into trouble with Alaska's division of corporations business and professional licensing after Palin became governor of the state in 2006.

A Feb. 11, 2007 letter to the governor's business partner advises that the car wash had "not filed its biennial report and/or paid its biennial fees," which were more than a year overdue.

The warning letter was written on state letterhead, which carried Palin's name at the top, next to the state seal.

On April 3, 2007, the state went further and issued a "certificate of involuntary dissolution" because of the car wash's failure to file its report and pay state licensing fees.

Must be that executive experience at work. Would any of you Palin lovers like to explain to me how this woman be trusted to run the government if she can't even run a car wash?

Warning letter:
Keep up the good work!

The more you attack Palin, the higher McCain/Palin go in the polls...

Thanks for the help Popeye!

Remember... she doesn't look like the presidents on our money.

Did I mention she's a woman?


Lets see if I remember how the Obamabot strategy went for defending Obama...

(Cue Violins) Gov. Palin is a family woman who loves America...

Along with her loving husband and five children...

A good Christian family, they will help "Change" American and take us in the Right direction!

Even her BATHING SUIT is patriotic! More than I can say about your guy...

How's THAT for Presidential Material?

The difference is that the picture of her is a fake, while the one of the Obastard is REAL!

Someone took the picture from HERE, flipped it, cropped it, and stuck it on someone elses body.

UPDATE: The Sarah Palin Chronicles ("executive experience" edition)

The Washington Post is now reporting that Sarah Palin and her husband were part owners of a business that was shut down by the state for noncompliance with state regulations:

Must be that executive experience at work. Would any of you Palin lovers like to explain to me how this woman be trusted to run the government if she can't even run a car wash?

Warning letter:

The car wash was an LLC, in which the Palins held a 20% interest. The letter to the business was not addressed to Palin, but rather her business partner, who ran the business. It is typical for LLCs to have one partner in charge of day to day operations - that was the case with the LLC in which Palin had a minority interest. Palin was not involved in the actual manger's failures, because (duhhhhhhhh :D) she was running the government of alaska when this happened. Does this say anything about Palin's management? No, not a thing. Another Popeye smear bites the dust. :rolleyes:

Incidentally, the above is a good tutorial on how a Popeye smear works - drop key facts (20% interest, not the manager) to leave a false impression.
well give him time, I am sure he can come up with something bad on her, after all she is only human

I highly doubt if it could even come close to the seedy things
his messiah has done

gay sex drugs murder
child killing, lying cheating
thugging bullying
stealing tax payer money to give to his wife at her job
to give to that crazy priest
to give to rezco

she wont top that but he can try :)
The car wash was an LLC, in which the Palins held a 20% interest. The letter to the business was not addressed to Palin, but rather her business partner, who ran the business. It is typical for LLCs to have one partner in charge of day to day operations - that was the case with the LLC in which Palin had a minority interest. Palin was not involved in the actual manger's failures, because (duhhhhhhhh :D) she was running the government of alaska when this happened. Does this say anything about Palin's management? No, not a thing. Another Popeye smear bites the dust. :rolleyes:

Incidentally, the above is a good tutorial on how a Popeye smear works - drop key facts (20% interest, not the manager) to leave a false impression.

So, the business Palin chose to invest in was a failure. Sounds like experience to me! She should fit right in with McCain, he has trouble keeping a plane in the air!
So, the business Palin chose to invest in was a failure. Sounds like experience to me! She should fit right in with McCain, he has trouble keeping a plane in the air!

Maybe Obama can direct us if he can tear himself away from his "God-Damn America Church"
The difference is that the picture of her is a fake, while the one of the Obastard is REAL!

Someone took the picture from HERE, flipped it, cropped it, and stuck it on someone elses body.


and one is the traditional dress of that area, where he was visting...Just like Bush who dressed up when he went to Japan.....But yea act like you dont know that and bash away.
and one is the traditional dress of that area, where he was visting...Just like Bush who dressed up when he went to Japan.....But yea act like you dont know that and bash away.

I do know that, and if you were being the SLIGHTEST bit honest about it, you would have condemned anyone for inventing crap like that made up photo of her and presenting as if it were real.

I guess we now know that you're all the way in bed with the Libtards.

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