
Huge text dumps, mostly dealing with issues not previously raised in the thread. :rolleyes:

Which all prove you WRONG, WRONG and WRONG.

Not for the first time your ability to pontificate on an issue without doing any scholarship leaves you looking dumb and foolish.

Did I say WRONG ?

Comrade Stalin
Which all prove you WRONG, WRONG and WRONG.

Not for the first time your ability to pontificate on an issue without doing any scholarship leaves you looking dumb and foolish.

Did I say WRONG ?

Comrade Stalin

Sorry, who "won" the argument isn't determined by who unloaded the longest (irrelevent) text dump. :p
Sorry, who "won" the argument isn't determined by who unloaded the longest (irrelevent) text dump. :p

Oliver North is a criminal and his own e-mails prove it.

I posted all that I thought was relevant to stop a relentless cascade of nitpicking and elitist hauteur.

The US War Party will support anybody, not matter how odious, who furthers their perceived interest.

You are on the wrong side of history and morality.

Comrade Stalin
Oliver North is a criminal and his own e-mails prove it.

I posted all that I thought was relevant to stop a relentless cascade of nitpicking and elitist hauteur.

The US War Party will support anybody, not matter how odious, who furthers their perceived interest.

You are on the wrong side of history and morality.

Comrade Stalin

There isn't any "side" of history, and I CERTAINLY don't take lectures on morality from someone who names himself after the peerless mass murderer of all time.
There isn't any "side" of history, and I CERTAINLY don't take lectures on morality from someone who names himself after the peerless mass murderer of all time.

My name is not Adolf Hitler.

I hear David Irving is coming back into fashion.

Comrade Stalin.

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