Online shopping

I just made the mistake of taking my brother to the mall tonight so he could get a gift for our mom. It was horrible! Traffic was ridiculous, people were rude...all the classic stuff.

I wish I had stayed home to have a hot toddy :)
I think we're finally finished with our shopping. Alot was done online, but we did have to brave the store the other day for some last minute things. Fortunately, it was during a weekday DAY when most people are at work, so it wasn't TOO bad. Still I'd prefer to stay out of them if at all possible.
We are headed out now to pick up the last odds and ends. Wish me luck. Traffic was terrible just going to the corner. I will be so glad when it is all over with.
Heh, you all complain about the terrible queues and consumerism and whatnot. But would any of you be willing to admit that it's become part and parcel of a that we would somehow miss if it weren't there?
Ok, Dong, I'll admit it. If ALL the hassle of Christmas was gone, it probably wouldn't seem like Christmas. There, are you happy?! :thumbup:
I couldn't agree more. I am quite the deal finder. I don't want to buy unless I get some kind of discount or special offer. :)