Once Again Race and gender ruin traditions

That really sucks I wish you were not right on this one but you are so I concede that you are

hopefully there are not too many like this

bad news...he is not just a rare one...Does not mean he is a majority...but he is not a rare one as well.

also one day you will have to think about all the times you had to concede to me, and just accept I rock and you will convert! See the light! ( does some kinda over the top televangelist move)
Well its true! Women Blacks and Hispanics elect clowns into office. Whjy you think Women support,Daycare,Health issues,teachers and unions? Blacks support welfare and everything free given to them.Hispanics are very liberal why Democrats stay in power.
Well its true! Women Blacks and Hispanics elect clowns into office. Whjy you think Women support,Daycare,Health issues,teachers and unions? Blacks support welfare and everything free given to them.Hispanics are very liberal why Democrats stay in power.

Well NO IT'S NOT! I am a woman and I don't support anything you claim, if you are suggesting that all women support special interest groups.

Have you ever met a redneck "conservative" Texan little man? NOPE. They are the worst of the worst, and they look like you, and probably vote like you too. Wanna let one of them at your woman? Lol. Don't be so sure all conservatives are like you and will back you up. You are wrong. As for Hispanics. Perhaps you would like to take a gander at this and tell me how some Hispanic woman can see the writing on the wall, adapt and EVOLVE, and YOU CAN'T?

Well Look ar America the way it was back 120 years ago. Everything was fine and we didnt have liberalsm. Blacks and women were not allowed to vote. And we didnt have clowns into office. We didnt have an welfare state and everyone pull their weight. We didnt have Teachers brainwashing kids about the earths evoirnment. We didnt have teachers brainwashing kids about liberalsim. Look how schools are nowadays. Take the lesson of Woodrow Wilson for example. They will tell the kids how a great president he was. But they wont tell them how he raised taxes Or they wont tell them he promised to keep us out of WWI during his election campaign but 6 months after his elected he declared war on Germany. Samething on FDR ,,, They will tell the kids how a great president he was. But they wont tell them how he created the I.R.S and the Social Security Admin. But they wont tell them on his speech about Taxes. He said this
Taxes are a small price to pay for our freedoms,, By paying your taxes is like paying your dues to Club freedom
But they wont tell them how many differant kinds of taxes were paying now or theryre not telling the kids on the reality that taxes are making you poor. You see,,Back in 120 years ago America was a differant country with a differant kind of government. Now our government is like a 3 ring circus.
Well Look ar America the way it was back 120 years ago. Everything was fine and we didnt have liberalsm. Blacks and women were not allowed to vote. And we didnt have clowns into office. We didnt have an welfare state and everyone pull their weight. We didnt have Teachers brainwashing kids about the earths evoirnment. We didnt have teachers brainwashing kids about liberalsim. Look how schools are nowadays. Take the lesson of Woodrow Wilson for example. They will tell the kids how a great president he was. But they wont tell them how he raised taxes Or they wont tell them he promised to keep us out of WWI during his election campaign but 6 months after his elected he declared war on Germany. Samething on FDR ,,, They will tell the kids how a great president he was. But they wont tell them how he created the I.R.S and the Social Security Admin. But they wont tell them on his speech about Taxes. He said this But they wont tell them how many differant kinds of taxes were paying now or theryre not telling the kids on the reality that taxes are making you poor. You see,,Back in 120 years ago America was a differant country with a differant kind of government. Now our government is like a 3 ring circus.

Since you had so much fun then, why don't you just go back to that century? Because, obviously, only someone who lived in that period, and witness all the grandeur and facilities provided 150 years ago, the equality, the life expectancy, the safety net, could be so enthusiastic about going back to that time!
By the way. . .I am pretty sure that you never read anything about the "Robber Barrons," or Sinclair's book "The Jungle!"

And, obviously, you have never read Steinbeck's "Grape of Wrath."

Where do you get all that delusional crap?
No. Not facts. The ramblings of a man who thinks his organ and his color make him right about everything. Delusional.
Accounts Receivable Tax
Building Permit Tax
CDL license Tax
Cigarette Tax
Corporate Income Tax
Dog License Tax
Excise Taxes
Federal Income Tax
Federal Unemployment Tax (FUTA)
Fishing License Tax
Food License Tax
Fuel Permit Tax
Gasoline Tax
Gross Receipts Tax
Hunting License Tax
Inheritance Tax
Inventory Tax
IRS Interest Charges IRS Penalties (tax on top of tax)
Liquor Tax
Luxury Taxes
Marriage License Tax
Medicare Tax
Personal Property Tax
Property Tax
Real Estate Tax
Service Charge T ax
Social Security Tax
Road Usage Tax
Sales Tax
Recreational Vehicle Tax
School Tax
State Income Tax
State Unemployment Tax (SUTA)
Telephone Federal Excise Tax
Telephone Federal Universal Service Fee Tax
Telephone Federal, State and Local Surcharge Taxes
Telephone Minimum Usage Surcharge=2 0Tax
Telephone Recurring and Non-recurring Charges Tax
Telephone State and Local Tax
Telephone Usage Charge Tax
Utility Taxes
Vehicle License Registration Tax
Vehicle Sales Tax
Watercraft Registration Tax
Well Permit Tax
Workers Compensation Tax

Not one of these taxes existed 120 years ago, and our nation was the most prosperous in the world. We had absolutely no national debt, had the largest middle class in the world, and Mom stayed home to raise the kids.
Know what did exist 120 years ago? I could sue the hell out of you, and ruin your life and social standing forever for "breach of promise". Want to go back to those days?

Want to talk about the conveniences that you didn't have even 30 years ago? like banks being open after 3:00, much less on weekends. Not to mention, what the hell is an ATM machine, the internet, cell phones...

Do take it from here.

If you want to go back 120 years, you'd better learn how to work the land, provide for yourself, live with the fact that there's a 30+ percent chance that your wife will die in childbirth or your kid will before the age of 10. But hey, you won't have to pay a damn income tax, so what's a kid vs. a dollar.

Be grateful for what you do have these days that you didn't then. Just for a minute.
Then go back to thinking that your dollar is more important than your little boy.

As for your list, you don't have to pay for any of those things. But the only places to go in the ENTIRE world to avoid them is probably in a remote village in the Middle East with uncle abdul and his favorite goat.

Send a postcard, eh?
Thats why the Tea Party will bring back those days of Thomas Jefferson to set these politicans straght. If those two special elections doesnt send a message the Democrats then nothing will. Democrats are gonna suffer more defeats in 2012 far more worse that 2010. Like Rush Limbaugh predicted,,Democrats are gonna wind up like those dinosaurs extinct!!! Tea Party folks took over Weiners seat and theyre gonna do a lot more.
O.K. So now you want to tell me, a conservative woman, just how I ruined the country?
That was half of the point of the thread was it not?