I found this one, didn't write it myself, but it does sum up my feelings about partisanship rather well.
I dont understand how someone can "be" something that is totally different for each question asked.
Let me ask a similar question. Should things be big or small? All things. Which side are you on? Everything should be as big as possible, including watches, hats, cell phones and people - or everything should be as small as possible, including furniture, swimming pools, yards, houses... pick one side. Which are you? A biggie or a smallie?
Should things be hot or cold. Pick one answer. For all things. Pick one side you are on.
Are you a coldie, or a hottie.
The question is impossible. Coffee should be hot, slurpees need to be cold. One person could obviously hold both views and feel strongly about them. You don't pick one side to be on and then find yourself defending stupid **** like hot slurpees just becasue you like hot coffee.
Conservative means the ways things have been. Liberal means reform and open mindedness to change.
They are WAYS of describing a stance on ONE PARTICULAR ISSUE. If you support the local monarchy that's conservative. Russian capitalists are liberals. Russian communists are hard line right wingers. Left and right, conservative and liberal/progressive/reformist are positions on a particular issue. Noone can just pick one way of thinking and apply it to all issues. It's a misunderstanding of the words.
Every election political parties win or lose by drastically different margins. This means that, obviously, people are not on same 'side' that votes in their 'team'. People, all but a very dumb few, look at political parties as salespeople who are vying for people to chose their product. You would have to be a simpleton to pre-decide which brand you will buy based on their marketing image.
If someone told you that they usually go to Starbucks and drink coffee but recently they went to Blends and found out the coffee was much nicer and a little cheaper - so they decided that they would have to go to Starbucks MORE OFTEN to help "our side" compete and win against their opponents... because they are a STARBUCKS PERSON. You'd think they were ****ing lunatics.
There's no sides. There never has been.
"You watch Paramount Movies? Really? I'm a dedicated United Artists supporter. When Paramount makes a good movie I wonder how "we" can compete against it." What kind of ***** supports the studio instead of actually deciding which particular movies he likes and supporting whoever made that movie?
People who say they want a smaller government and will start by building a 10 trillion dollar fence around the border on public funds are like Pepsi telling you they are the choice of a new generation. The idea is not that you actually BELIEVE THEM. It's a scam. You're supposed to know that but think around it. People aren't supposed to be stupid enough to go "oh.. i'm young and hip.. I guess I should drink Pepsi then. DOWN WITH COKE THE LYING BASTARDS". You don't vote for B because you hate the brand marketing of A. You vote for someone who aligns with your views or you DON'T VOTE and you write to all parties explaining why you didn't vote.
Everyone here is a conservative on the monarchy vs liberal democracy question. So we're all conservatives right? Oh wait. Everyone here is a liberal on the property rights of the individual question right? So we're all liberals.
Sp ick one. All things should be soft, including baseball bats and walls - or all things should be hard including clothing and cotton swabs. Pick one and argue why all things should go that way. I guarantee you'll be wrong half the time.