The Israelis are simply going to get their deserved comeuppance because the US is not going to bomb Iran and the Israelis won't do it themselves because they would be hit too hard for their little country to be able to stand. So Iran is going to get the bomb sooner or later and the whole game gets to be played differently. If the US is smart it will get the hell out of the ME and start playing nice. There are much more important things for the US to do than look after nasty and selfish Jews who can't stop being arrogant and uppity toward others.
Lets look at the history of Israel shall we:
The British took over the land that is now Israel after defeating the Ottomans in WWI.
- During this time there are anti-Israel massacres and riots instigated by militant Arabs.
- After WWII and the holocaust, the UN mandates the creation of Israel.
- One day after Israel is created by the UN, five Arab states invade Israel.
- This is followed by the Six Day War and the Yom Kippur War, as well as other various problems with Egypt all along.
- It was Israel that granted the Palestinians the ability to form their own governments in the West Bank and Gaza.
- Terror attacks continue against Israel from Lebanon, as we know there have been many problems there.
You say the "nasty and selfish" Jews are all "arrogant and uppity" towards each other, but you fail to acknowledge that since their creation their neighbors have basically refused to recognize their right to exist, and have continually attacked (and lost) to try to prevent this.
The problem is not with Israel, it is with the Arab states who basically come to the table with the notion that Israel has no right to exist.