Olbermann beats O'Reilly!


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Washington state
Keith and MSNBC continue to rise, looks like at the expense of BillO. I wonder how the head of the "no spin zone" will spin this:

MSNBC continued its ratings surge last week, with viewers flocking out of the "No Spin Zone" and to "The Place for Politics." For the first time ever, MSNBC's "Countdown with Keith Olbermann" was the #1 show at 8 p.m., out-drawing Fox News's "O'Reilly Factor" head-to-head among Adults 25-54. This is the first time since June 2001 that MSNBC has out-rated "The O'Reilly Factor" at 8 p.m.

Excluding Tuesday's primary coverage, "Countdown with Keith Olbermann" averaged 477,000 A25-54 vs. 472,000 for the "Factor."

MSNBC also out-drew Fox News Channel for the week in primetime (June 2-8, M-F, 8-11 p.m.), averaging 496,000 Adults 25-54 vs. 449,000. This is the first time MSNBC beat FNC for the week in primetime since Feb. 25, 2008, when MSNBC telecast exclusive coverage of the Democratic candidates debate.

Oh boy oh boy! That must mean that he's right! Obviously if his rating are higher, then he must be 100% correct on everything he says and now I'm going to change my views on everything to fit the popular view because we all know popularity means correctness.

This post means nothing to me.
Oh boy oh boy! That must mean that he's right! Obviously if his rating are higher, then he must be 100% correct on everything he says and now I'm going to change my views on everything to fit the popular view because we all know popularity means correctness.

This post means nothing to me.

Geez, I'm flabbergasted and disappointed that my post on Keith Olbermann's rise in the ratings doesn't meet with your approval. Nevertheless, it is a significant achievement as Countdown remains the only program that really holds the RW's feet to the fire.


Geez, I'm flabbergasted and disappointed that my post on Keith Olbermann's rise in the ratings doesn't meet with your approval. Nevertheless, it is a significant achievement as Countdown remains the only program that really holds the RW's feet to the fire.



Meets my approval... I LOVE THE SHOW!!! Watch it every night... sometimes more than once.:)

You just know O'Reilly is locked in a room somewhere screaming... WE'LL DO IT LIVE!!!!!!!!!!!:D
Geez, I'm flabbergasted and disappointed that my post on Keith Olbermann's rise in the ratings doesn't meet with your approval. Nevertheless, it is a significant achievement as Countdown remains the only program that really holds the RW's feet to the fire.



I don't approve or disapprove. It is irrelevant. What difference does this make to anyone anywhere? Assuming that your choice for president or political views is in some way swayed by this information... could you point to one other person who is also changing their views based on this?

If there are such people, let me know what president or political party they are now subscribed to, because I don't want to be associated with them. If the supporters of X movement are swayed by the TV ratings of irrelevant shows, then that is a movement of very ignorant people I don't want to be aligned with.
I'mma go ahead and put it out there that ratings probably reflect sociopolitical climates more than any particular attraction to the personalities involved. (Let's face it, neither Olbermann, with his endless Dr. Cox-ian rants, nor O'Reilly with his ogre-ish demeanor, are particularly likable guys in terms of their on-air personalities).
Olbermann is a *****, and anyone who watches him for anything other than comic relief...well, let's just say I wouldn't want them in charge of anything more complicated than the cash register at a McDonalds.
Olbermann is a *****, and anyone who watches him for anything other than comic relief...well, let's just say I wouldn't want them in charge of anything more complicated than the cash register at a McDonalds.

Does McDonalds even have those anymore? It just tells you the exact change to give back, no thinking at all. Or is that why you gave the example :) :) :)
O’Reilly Trounces Olbermann in Ratings

Monday, June 23, 2008 1:09 PM

By: Jim Meyers Article Font Size

The liberal press crowed loudly when cable TV’s Keith Olbermann beat out Bill O’Reilly in a key demographic during a recent week, but Olbermann’s ratings success has been isolated and press reports about it have been much overblown, Newsmax has learned.

MSNBC’s “Countdown with Keith Olbermann” did average 477,000 viewers in the age 25 to 54 demographic during the first week of June, narrowly edging out Fox News’ “The O’Reilly Factor,” which averaged 472,000 in that demo, according to Nielsen Media Research.

“This marks the first time that MSNBC has beaten Fox News in O’Reilly’s 8 p.m. time slot,” the left-wing Huffington Post screamed. But in fact, O’Reilly and Olbermann squared off against each other on only three days that week.

On Tuesday, the cable stations covered that day’s primaries, and on Friday, O’Reilly was on vacation, with Laura Ingraham filling in.

Ratings for “The Factor” dip when O’Reilly is not the host.

The viewership figures touted by The Huffington Post include Friday’s results. But on the three days when Olbermann and O’Reilly were both on, “The Factor” won the 25 to 54 demographic with an average of 503,000 viewers compared to 491,000 for “Countdown,” Nielsen reported. And O’Reilly continues to trounce Olbermann in total viewers.

For example on those three days O’Reilly and Olbermann went head to head, O’Reilly drew an average of 2,193,000 per night to Olbermann’s mediocre 1,031,000.

May 2008 marked the 90th consecutive month that “The Factor” was the leading program on cable news, averaging 2,497,000 viewers a night, while “Countdown” had less than half that many, 1,098,000.

O’Reilly also beat out Olbermann in the 25 to 54 demographic for the month, averaging 534,000 viewers to 408,000 for “Countdown.”

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