Obama's War on White People

Because cities had no stomach ir cash for it. You are the one who seems frightened.

Not at all, however, it is good that you, and the teabagger, continue to share your fantasies with others. I hear it is quite therapeutic.

Unlike you, and others, I live in the country far from any big town, and the nearest one to me is filled with rednecks. ex-cons, and people who really love this country for what it was, not what people like you will turn it into. In fact, if any form of civil war was to break out I am glad to be where I am, and can assure you we will be the last ones to cave into your corporate socialist ways, and ignorance.
Team Obama Steps Up Racial Standards for Neighborhoods

-- Shaun Donovan, Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, in a July 16 speech to the NAACP about a new regulation and database aimed at adding “protected classes” into predominantly white neighborhoods.

The federal government is getting serious about pushing racial and ethnic diversity into America’s neighborhoods--and is using big data and big money to achieve its aims.

A new interactive database will help regulators, local housing officials and individuals take action on a newly proposed regulation that would require agencies to “affirmatively further” the inclusion of minority residents in white neighborhoods.

"The old way was to punish exclusion. The new way is to punish lack of inclusion."
I wonder how they hope to abuse Census data to accomplish this goal ?
Nothing can be done to prevent minorities from moving anywhere there is an available property. So if minorities are not locating there its their choice. I asked a black friend when he moved why he chose a prodominately black area when his finances permitted him to go most anywhere. His answer was simple, 'we like it here'.
I wonder how they hope to abuse Census data to accomplish this goal ?
Nothing can be done to prevent minorities from moving anywhere there is an available property. So if minorities are not locating there its their choice. I asked a black friend when he moved why he chose a prodominately black area when his finances permitted him to go most anywhere. His answer was simple, 'we like it here'.
Apparently Obama has a different agenda for these useful idiots (meaning Obama supporters) other than what they like!
I wonder how they hope to abuse Census data to accomplish this goal ?
Nothing can be done to prevent minorities from moving anywhere there is an available property. So if minorities are not locating there its their choice. I asked a black friend when he moved why he chose a prodominately black area when his finances permitted him to go most anywhere. His answer was simple, 'we like it here'.

Mosat people tend to live where they are the most comfortable. And among their own "kind". Thus Chicago used ot have entire neighborhoods made up of Polish, then Germans, then Irish, Then Jewish, etc. If allowed to people will self segregate.
I guess this is one way to get people out of the urban liberal cesspools. What on earth will Democrats do if this plan backfires and they all turn into conservative capitalists. ? :LOL:
I guess this is one way to get people out of the urban liberal cesspools. What on earth will Democrats do if this plan backfires and they all turn into conservative capitalists. ? :LOL:

No such thing as a conservative capitalist, or a liberal capitalist:


Which is why American conservatives’ fondness for capitalism is so remarkable. (And is why so many European conservatives worried about it.) All those things that American conservatives care about — family, stability, tradition — are but pins to be knocked down in front of capitalism’s bowling ball. Sure, rights-based ideologies challenge established social norms (those damn liberals! and progressives!), but theirs are only companion roles to the ones played by capitalist values in destroying established ways of living.

Put another way, capitalism is amoral. It doesn’t care in the least if you find strip clubs immoral. It only cares if they make money … or if they can be replaced by something that would make more money.

So take note: every time you hear an American conservative scream about the need to maintain our traditional way of life while at the same time insisting that only capitalism is good for America, they are in fact calling for the destruction of the things they claim to care about. Or maybe, what they really care about is money, and they’re just using the “traditional values” stuff to hide that fact.

Either way, capitalism and conservatism are quite strange bedfellows. Which, of course, is why politics is endlessly fascinating.

This one is for the teabagger who once again expresses his own brand of ignorance:


Unfortunately, today's young "conservatives" are bamboozled into thinking that there are only two kinds of economies: communism and capitalism, the difference being who owns the "means of production."

Communism calls for the "public" ownership of capital, while capitalism calls for the "private" ownership of capital.

However, both ideologies are materialistic twins: they both are obsessed with the concept of "capital." Thus, communism really is just a form of capitalism, the only
difference being Who owns the capital.
No such thing as a conservative capitalist, or a liberal capitalist:


Which is why American conservatives’ fondness for capitalism is so remarkable. (And is why so many European conservatives worried about it.) All those things that American conservatives care about — family, stability, tradition — are but pins to be knocked down in front of capitalism’s bowling ball. Sure, rights-based ideologies challenge established social norms (those damn liberals! and progressives!), but theirs are only companion roles to the ones played by capitalist values in destroying established ways of living.

Put another way, capitalism is amoral. It doesn’t care in the least if you find strip clubs immoral. It only cares if they make money … or if they can be replaced by something that would make more money.

So take note: every time you hear an American conservative scream about the need to maintain our traditional way of life while at the same time insisting that only capitalism is good for America, they are in fact calling for the destruction of the things they claim to care about. Or maybe, what they really care about is money, and they’re just using the “traditional values” stuff to hide that fact.

Either way, capitalism and conservatism are quite strange bedfellows. Which, of course, is why politics is endlessly fascinating.

This one is for the teabagger who once again expresses his own brand of ignorance:


Unfortunately, today's young "conservatives" are bamboozled into thinking that there are only two kinds of economies: communism and capitalism, the difference being who owns the "means of production."

Communism calls for the "public" ownership of capital, while capitalism calls for the "private" ownership of capital.

However, both ideologies are materialistic twins: they both are obsessed with the concept of "capital." Thus, communism really is just a form of capitalism, the only
difference being Who owns the capital.
What a load of shit .....

America has provided more Freedom and Liberties to human beings than any other Country in the world ..... why, because of capitalism, individual Freedoms, private property rights, limited government .....

Socialism/Communism has a track record of 100% fail every time it is attempted regardless of which Country or which era.

Socialism/Communism is responsible for more murders in the 20th Century than all other centuries on this planet combined.

The brainwashing of wacko-idiot leftist can be astounding!

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What a load of shit .....

America has provided more Freedom and Liberties to human beings than any other Country in the world ..... why, because of capitalism, individual Freedoms, private property rights, limited government .....

Socialism/Communism has a track record of 100% fail every time it is attempted regardless of which Country or which era.

Socialism/Communism is responsible for more murders in the 20th Century than all other centuries on this planet combined.

The brainwashing of wacko-idiot leftist can be astounding!

View attachment 460

You didn't actually read the article, now did you? Other then that, you would know the difference between socialism, communism,, and capitalism, and recognize

1. That none have ever existed in their purest forms;

2. That the article explained how communism cannot exist without capitalism.

Of course, remaining ignorant is your greatest goal in life.
You didn't actually read the article, now did you? Other then that, you would know the difference between socialism, communism,, and capitalism, and recognize

1. That none have ever existed in their purest forms;

2. That the article explained how communism cannot exist without capitalism.

Of course, remaining ignorant is your greatest goal in life.
I read it ....

And, I stick to my original comment .....

It's a load of shit .....
This Thread is sorta racist. If I made this thread in some forums id would get a ban or suspended. Not not here on HOP cause Walter kinda made our forum free whats on ur mind.
This Thread is sorta racist. If I made this thread in some forums id would get a ban or suspended. Not not here on HOP cause Walter kinda made our forum free whats on ur mind.
steve ....

It was your post that gave this thread a racist over tone ... along with ol' traps "you people comment" ....
steve ....

It was your post that gave this thread a racist over tone ... along with ol' traps "you people comment" ....
Correct. Im not going to tell you another forum I got suspended from on racist post unless you want me to say it. A long while ago I showed you a pic and asked you would I get suspened here? You said no. But on Another forum I got a 14 day suspension for it.