Obama's brain washing propaganda reaches Xbox games

Interesting. Still on Russian payroll?

On the payroll of just about every country you can think of actually. Western Europe included.

Not to say you are wrong on McCarthy, but it is still going on in a big way.
Oh no! Commie propaganda! It's the "red scare" all over again, they're hiding under every bed just waiting to convert our children into...communist sympathizers..oh no!

Is your hero Joe McCarthy?

If you were willing to take an honest look at what the Democrat party tries to do through the legislation they propose, you would see that its not the Anti-Communist party it was in the 60's.

Class warfare, redistribution of wealth, state ownership of industry, suspending individual rights (of certain individuals) to achieve those goals, "Progressive" taxation to help "Spread the Wealth" - 95% of you are going to get a tax cut, I'm gonna HAMMER the other 5% for all they got....

Yes, the Democrats have taken up SOCIALISM as a strategy.... You guys just pretend that it won't BE Socialism if you pretend its not.
This, and many other lurid posts in this forum remind me, so much dear friends, of the Star Trek film where they go back to get a humpback whale and the Captain Kirk has to remind his crew that the US in the late 20th Century was a deeply paranoid time.

It is a time where a cartoon like Palin ( in reality much funnier than her Python namesake ) can be elevated far beyond her level of competence to actually be considered as a possible controller of 40,000 nuclear weapons.

Where an elected popular democrat such a Chavez, who gets majorities that puppets such as Obama and The Terrorist can only dream about, finally closes down a TV stations that keeps telling the military to overthrow and kill him..

Where propaganda is only carried out by the other side..

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