amazing how all the Obama ads I see talk issues, while McCain is the redheaded stepchild that screams in the corner till you just ignore them and they fall asleep.....
Governor Sarah Palin abused her power by violating Alaska Statute 39.52.110 (a) of the Alaska Executive Branch Ethics Act
I'm surprised. I thought after Clinton, even felonies were acceptable to the left.
I looked into this. There was nothing there.
Palin billed the state for meal money while spending more than 300 nights at her Valley home during her first 19 months in office and regularly takes family members on state-paid trips
She brought her children. If the state pays for peoples daycare, as many want to do, what is wrong with the state paying for her children?
Granted I'm against this, but then that is because I believe what I say. But you hypocritical leftists, how can you think you have any credibility when on one hand, "It takes a village", and on the other, it's wrong for a republican to accept the government hand outs that you claim everyone else should get? Hypocrisy: Hallmark of the left.