There is no war on drugs and there hasn't been in at least 40 years. There is a war on the victims of drugs. (i.e. potheats, addicts, methheads, crackheads, etc.)
Penalizing the victims has proved itself to be a bankrupt and very expensive policy. Still, we continue to pursue policies we already know don't help reduce the incidence of drug abuse.
If we actually look at the end product of pre- war on drugs policies and post-war on drugs policies, the evidense suggests that we should go back to the policies that were in use before we began this fiasco.
But then again, I should know better than to confuse the board with the facts.
Penalizing the victims has proved itself to be a bankrupt and very expensive policy. Still, we continue to pursue policies we already know don't help reduce the incidence of drug abuse.
If we actually look at the end product of pre- war on drugs policies and post-war on drugs policies, the evidense suggests that we should go back to the policies that were in use before we began this fiasco.
But then again, I should know better than to confuse the board with the facts.