Obama VS Joe Pumber

I like this Joe guy, he was able to get Obama to admit he is a socialist better than any of the morons on abc, nbc, cbs or cnn
Yeah......he's a great American. :rolleyes:

"Like Davy Crockett, who killed himself a bear when he was only three, but tried to sneak out of the Alamo gussied up as a woman, like George Armstrong Custer, the fearless Injun Fighter the Sioux referred to as "Killer of Women", like Bill O'Reilly, the tough-as-nails talk show host who loves to trumpet his blue-collar roots, even though he grew up in a cute little New York suburb and his father was an accountant, Joe the Plumber has now been exposed as a complete fraud. :p He is not a licensed plumber. He does not earn enough money to be affected by Obama's tax policies. He does not have the scratch to be setting himself up in business. He is not a free-thinking independent who has yet to make up his mind which candidate he will cast his vote for; he is a registered Republican. Worst of all, his name is not even Joe; it is Samuel. He is, as my father Joe used to put it, as phony as a three-dollar bill.

In my own family, there was Joe the truck driver, Joe the postman, Bill the typewriter salesman, and Johnny the jack-of-all trades. Right here in my own neighborhood, I can point to Tony the deliveryman, Vinny the postman, Charley the cook, Tony the token collector. Any one of these guys qualifies as a real-life working class hero. Instead of them, McCain's people went out and corralled themselves a 24-carat phony. What's more, they found themselves a phony who doesn't even pay his taxes on time. This strongly suggests that nobody in the McCain camp has ever met a working-class person before; they think anybody with a shaved head and a hoody must be "authentic"."

LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :p
I've asked this time and time again, and NOBODY has been able to answer it, but I'll try again; Show me exactly where in the Constitution of the United States where it authorizes Congress to spend OUR money on Welfare, Food Stamps, WIC, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, HUD, Secion 8, AFDC, or any of the other Democrat unfunded wealth redistribution mandates?
But....it's different, for Wall Street.....Oil companies....Health-Care insurors....and, other such pro-"conservative" interests, huh? :rolleyes:
Nobama and Biden are brushing it off. Both of them were on the TV yesterday making ignorant comments like "huh, what kind of plummer makes 250k?"
It sure-as-Hell ain't JOE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

"Wurzelbacher hasn't paid the taxes he already owes, according to the state of Ohio, which placed a tax lien against him for $1,182.98 on Jan. 26, 2007, that is still active. A second judgment against him was filed in March 2007 by St. Charles Mercy Hospital for $1,261, records show.

The company McCain said the plumber wants to buy has annual sales of $510,000, according to an analysis by Dun & Bradstreet. That makes it unlikely that Wurzelbacher's purchase would give him a taxable income of more than $200,000 -- leaving him unaffected by Obama's proposal to roll back tax breaks for those earning more than $250,000, said Steven Bankler, a certified public accountant in San Antonio, who counts plumbers and other trade professionals as his clients."


LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :p
........in general terms with the power to tax comes an implict power to spend or whats the point of taxing? Anyway, since the concurrent power to tax......

WRONG! The SPECIFIC power to spend, and on what, is contained in the Constitution. Not being an American, I can understand your not being familiar with all of the intracacies of our system of government. The specific authority to spend, and on what, unless specified elsewhere in the Constitution, is contained in Article 1 Secion 8, which can be found HERE. Any other spending is unconstitutional on it's face.

The programs you mention are grants which are issued under the United States Federal grants Scheme. Federal grants are defined and governed by the Federal Grant and Cooperative Agreement Act of 1977, as incorporated in Title 31 Section 6304 of the U.S. Code. A Federal grant is a........

There are over 900 grant programs offered by the 26 Federal grant-making agencies. In terms of the programs you mention above most of these would fall under the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), one of the longest-running programs of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, funds local community development activities such as affordable housing, anti-poverty programs, and infrastructure development.

(Acknowledged hereon is the grateful assistance of the almighty wiki!!!)

I'm very familiar with the typical arguments Scotsman, but that does not make them constitutional, as there is no place in the Constitution where We The People have granted Congress the right to "grant" to anyone else the fruits of anothers labor. In fact, if you'll go back and carefully review the founding fathers writings on the subject, they were all, regardless of whether they were federalist or anti-federalist, opposed to "social spending". Take Thomas Jefferson for instance. In a letter to Joseph Milligan in 1816, he wrote "To take from one, because it is thought that his own industry and that of his fathers has acquired too much, in order to spare to others, who, or whose fathers have not exercised equal industry and skill, is to violate arbitrarily the first principle of association, "the guarantee to every one of a free exercise of his industry, and the fruits acquired by it." If the overgrown wealth of an individual be deemed dangerous to the State, the best corrective is the law of equal inheritance to all in equal degree; and the better, as this enforces a law of nature, while extra taxation violates it."

If "We The People" decide that we want these programs, there's a very simple way of handling this, it's called a Constitutional Amendment, but lacking that Amendment, they're still totally unconstitutional on their face.
Good old Joe. Real solid citizen. Hard Working Guy. Just like you and me. Well me anyway.

One Small Problem

He is not registered to vote.

Oops !!!

"...Two readers with access to the Ohio voter file say that Joe Wurzelbacher's inluence on this cycle will be limited in one way: He doesn't appear to be registered to vote.

(And yes, the freelance opposition research on Joe began before the debate ended.)..."


not that it really matters but yes he is regesterd to vote. he is a regestered republican and he voted in the primary.

what you are getting away from was he asked a valid question and obamas reply was scary, at least scary to some of us, scary enough that we are talking about it now.

people who believe in socialism try to change the topic from the question and reply to if Joe votes or if joe is real or if joe is decent enough to be a human

the attacks on Joe are crazy.

He is a person who asked a question
its the question and reply that matters here nothing else.
I love the internet --- mere seconds when 'Joe the plumber' was mentioned, the noise from keyboards simultaneously tapping could be heard on search engine research.
I love the internet --- mere seconds when 'Joe the plumber' was mentioned, the noise from keyboards simultaneously tapping could be heard on search engine research.
Information; the antidote to Totalitarianism!! ;)

"The printing press has important parallels to today's revolution in information technologies. Like the Internet, it suddenly made information available to many more people, and the increase in the spread of information led to confusion and mis-information. Different scientific and religious theories appeared simultaneously -- which one was right?"

"The world wide web has changed millions of lives in little more than a decade. For some it has changed fortunes as well: this week was the 10th anniversary of what is widely acknowledged as the beginning of the dotcom boom - when the web browser firm Netscape floated on the US stock market before ever turning a profit. That sparked a technology goldrush that has transformed modern communication. And while much of the boom was hyperbole, one rock solid fact remains: none of it would have happened if it was not for Tim Berners-Lee."