So, CNN says we ran surpluses for several years... while the U.S. Treasury Dept. says we went further into debt, every one of those years.
Have you ever wondered why?
(Hint: Check out how the govt treats the money it takes in for the Social Security Trust fund and other such trust funds it controls. They count SS "contributions" as revenue to the govt. Then it borrows the money from those trust funds... and counts it as revenue again. But then when they figure the National Debt, they can't show a surplus... because they had to borrow to make ends meet. If any private business or corporation tried this kind of fancy accounting, the CFO would go to jail for a very long time. Only the government is allowed to do this kind of "creative bookkeeping" (known elsewhere as "committing fraud".)
The U.S. government has never run a surplus since 1957 - the national debt has gone up every year since then, without exception.
The statement that George W. Bush "inherited a surplus", is false. If and when CNN ever begins doing investigative reporting of matters that favor Democrats, this will become starkly clear.
I'm not holding my breath for that, though.