ASPCA wrote - I'm quite sure that this President won't be getting us involved in another WAR.
What do you call Obama's decision to send another 21,000 troops to Afghanistan?
Why, brilliant and very intuitive to what the military leaders are telling him what they want/plan on he's reacting to their 'want list'...he's not winging this troop deployment on his own whim!!! Did you 'NOT UNDERSTAND' that?
July was the deadliest month for American troops since the war began in the fall of 2001. Of course the Obama media never mentions it.
Gee, lets see what is it that he's dealing with here at home...Hmmm Mean while the people in charge of those two wars from G.W.B.'s era are being handled by the PEOPLE IN CHARGE!!! and you are worried about media coverage...JEEZ LOUISE
He is not running that war too well!
According to you and your slightly skewed POV
What's not OK is his lie about the state of the US economy and pushing Healthcare down out throats.
Now your pissed because he is doing his job...GEEE you really need to make up you mind...LOL
How about giving THEM some jobs instead?
Have you spent any, any time at all discussing your, 'CONCERNS' with your local elected representative, or are you just spewing the angst around here because you haven't a clue???
Polls show Americans reject Obamas Health Care Plan for different reasons.
Yep, run a copy of 5 different polls and you'll have 5 different results...I hope you don't spend to much time/energy worrying about 'POLLS' and their fluctuating results???
Some know Obama is not to be trusted.
Well, HELLS-BELLS that could be the blanket statement for any and all of our elected officials...but do you give any specifics or you just comment in generalities and innuendo???
His stimulus didn't prevent unemployment from increasing.
His stimulus, 'HIS'...I remember a emergency meeting last fall that Johns McCain had to shut down his campaign bus trip to 'RUSH BACK TO THE WHITE HOUSE' {even though he seemed to have gotten derailed along the way and it still took him 2 weeks to show up at his office} because the President and the Good Fellow Greenspan said the economy was on the verge of collapse. And yet here you are blaming President Obama for 'HIS STIMULUS PACKAGE'...HOLY BAT CRAP BAT MAN...LMAO
His bailouts of the rich banks and auto companies didn't help
small America, only the rich and foreign countries.
Yes, and that would be proven by...??? or just more of your hysteria and whine that everything is not universally better/quick fixed/because you want it that way???
It's getting worse out there, believe it or not.
Oh, I believe it and I wasn't operating under the delusions that any 'stimulus package' was going to turn key this 8 year in the making financial fiasco, as you seem to be in the dire need of.
Even by the skewed media reports the US is still losing jobs thanks to Obamas effect.
Well, amazing how that trickle down economy works the exact same way in good times and in bad
ASPCA I'm suspicious about you.
Well, that is your right, I guess...because I'm beginning to think that your really delusional and in need of a nanny!!! to comfort your inability to deal with the 'REAL WORLD' tough out there and you were never given any 'stamped seal of approval' on your back side that promised you a 'rose garden'/handle with care existence...LMAO
Obama implied in a speech that Michael Vick should never should not have been punished. Quote to NAASCP, "Lets face it. We all love a good dog fight now and then".
Obama Implied"...where would that speech {proof of your slimy innuendo} have taken place and you seem to be the only one who is remarking about it??? ARE YOU THE REAL RUSH LIMBAUGH
Strange guy for you to support. But at the same time I can assure you that beating dogs to death is fairly common in certain areas, so I see Obama's point. It's no big deal!
So as with your delusional/misrepresentation about; who says what and the real interpretations from adult conversations you finish up this diatribe with that little gem of nonsense and total irrelevant to the topic. If I was to judge my President my the likes of you and your 'ILK' then I would need to be certified INSANE.
BUT YOU DO MAKE ME crazy guy