Old Trapper, you make entirely too much sense for this forum!
Openmind - long time no see. Hope that all is well. I was over in Belgium recently made it a point to get some extra chocolate haha.
Thank you for trying to speak the true and bring a sense of reality among these compulsive haters. . .but I am afraid you will waste your time, like several of us have done in the past!
Good luck though!
Speak the truth? Let's examine the facts. There are no detainees left at GITMO that did nothing to wind up there. The link I posted breaks down exactly who is left and the reasons for their detainment and the circumstances of their capture. The truth of the matter is the people who are left deserve to be detained, and it has nothing to do with religion.
Let's just pick one at random for example: (Moath Hamza Ahmed al Alwi)
"Detainee is an assessed al-Qaida member and an Usama Bin Laden (UBL) bodyguard. Detainee is a veteran jihadist and admitted fighting for the Taliban on the front lines as a member of UBL's 55th Arab Brigade. 1 Detainee participated in armed hostilities against US and Coalition forces on the front lines and in UBL's Tora Bora Mountain complex in Afghanistan (AF). In addition to basic training, detainee is assessed to have attended several advanced militant training courses at al-Qaida affiliated training camps. Detainee's training included elite hand-to-hand combat training taught by Walid Muhammad Salih Bin Attash, aka (Silver), aka (Khallad), ISN US9YM-010014DP (YM-10014), which was also attended by al-Qaida members slated for the cancelled Southeast Asia 11 September 2001 attacks. Detainee was captured with a group referred to as the Dirty 30, which included UBL bodyguards, an intended 20th 11 September 2001 hijacker, and other participants in YM-10014's elite training. Detainee is listed on an alQaida document and he resided at several al-Qaida affiliated guesthouses. Detainee was also identified as one of the managers at an al-Qaida guesthouse in Kandahar. It is assessed detainee was recruited through an al-Qaida associated Salafist network linked to Shaykh Muqbil Bin Hadi al-Wadi. Detainee has demonstrated his hatred for Americans at JTFGTMO and will likely reestablish ties to al-Qaida and other extremist elements if released. [ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ABOUT THIS DETAINEE IS AVAILABLE IN AN SCI SUPPLEMENT.] JTF-GTMO determined this detainee to be: o o o A HIGH risk, as he is likely to pose a threat to the US, its interests, and allies A HIGH threat from a detention perspective Of HIGH intelligence value."
This is really the type of the person you want to advocate on the behalf of? This is the type of person you believe was just a hapless farmer caught up in an American invasion? Just what "sense of reality" are you trying to bring to the conversation about this person exactly?