Obama: Recent Mideast riots, embassy murders are just "Bumps in the road"


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Jan 23, 2009
San Diego, CA
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Obama describes murder of U.S. ambassador to Libya and Mid East violence as 'bumps in the road'

PUBLISHED: 08:55 EST, 24 September 2012
UPDATED: 09:59 EST, 24 September 2012

President Barack Obama referred to recent events in the Middle East, including violent attacks on embassies and the terrorist murder of a US ambassador and three other Americans, as 'bumps in the road'.

The comment came in Obama's CBS '60 Minutes' interview that aired on Sunday night.

Steve Kroft, the interviewer, asked: 'Have the events that took place in the Middle East, the recent events in the Middle East given you any pause about your support for the governments that have come to power following the Arab Spring?

Obama responded: 'Well, I’d said even at the time that this is going to be a rocky path.
'But I was pretty certain and continue to be pretty certain that there are going to be bumps in the road because, you know, in a lot of these places, the one organizing principle has been Islam.'

Obama is out to lunch. This is Hillary's fault. She shouldn't even have had those people in Benghazi in the first place. It wasn't a secure gated embassy like the one in Tripoli.
Obama is out to lunch. This is Hillary's fault. She shouldn't even have had those people in Benghazi in the first place. It wasn't a secure gated embassy like the one in Tripoli.

I'm happy to see someone place the blame where it belongs, at Hillary's feet.
if people like you guys where in charge we would still live in caves...head in the sand short term thinking about long term issues. Sorry I guess you guys think changing the middle east is easy and will go smooth...

You have that backwards, as usual. It is your kind that will have us all back living in caves.

Yeah...BO is changing the ME alright. He is following the Peanut Farmer's policies....cause they worked so well back in the 70s. :confused:
if people like you guys where in charge we would still live in caves...head in the sand short term thinking about long term issues. Sorry I guess you guys think changing the middle east is easy and will go smooth...

It won't be easy and won't go smoothly, which is the point. You don't put a high ranking diplomat in what was essentially a tar-paper shack in an area where hostiles are operating.
It won't be easy and won't go smoothly, which is the point. You don't put a high ranking diplomat in what was essentially a tar-paper shack in an area where hostiles are operating.

It's total ignorance of the facts on the ground. If I heard it right, this was the fifth time this place was attacked this year by etreme radicals. Benghazi has been a haven for al-Qaeda types, and to even have people in there on 9/11 was just asking for it. Even the Ambassador himself should have known better.
It won't be easy and won't go smoothly, which is the point. You don't put a high ranking diplomat in what was essentially a tar-paper shack in an area where hostiles are operating.

When you have a nation that was run by a dictator who tried to kill Americans, who have large oil reserves, and you just helped overthrow the goverment that was in place...and you want to keep Islamist groups from gaining power...then yes you do put someone good there. You don't get what you want in the middle east being a wuss. They knew what the risks where...They risked more during the fighting then they where when the ambush happened.
When you have a nation that was run by a dictator who tried to kill Americans, who have large oil reserves, and you just helped overthrow the goverment that was in place...and you want to keep Islamist groups from gaining power...then yes you do put someone good there. You don't get what you want in the middle east being a wuss. They knew what the risks where...They risked more during the fighting then they where when the ambush happened.

There's a big difference between being a wuss and being stupid. If Stevens was so important to our goals in that country then he should have at the very least had a secure base to operate from. They knew what the risks were? They weren't soldiers and I think holding them to that standard is wrong. Two of them were former SEALs but that don't mean a hill of beans when you don't have the logistical support the military gives you and you can't retreat to a fortified position. Once again, your earlier comment tells me that you knew it was going to be difficult, and I'm guessing so did State. No excuse for Stevens and his crew being in the position they were in.
Revolt of the Spooks

Intelligence officials angered by Obama administration cover up of intelligence on Iranian, al Qaeda surge in Egypt and Libya

Weeks before the presidential election, President Barack Obama’s administration faces mounting opposition from within the ranks of U.S. intelligence agencies over what career officers say is a “cover up” of intelligence information about terrorism in North Africa.

Intelligence held back from senior officials and the public includes numerous classified reports revealing clear Iranian support for jihadists throughout the tumultuous North Africa and Middle East region, as well as notably widespread al Qaeda penetration into Egypt and Libya in the months before the deadly Sept. 11 terrorist attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi.

“The Iranian strategy is two-fold: upping the ante for the Obama administration’s economic sanctions against Iran and perceived cyber operations against Iran’s nuclear weapons program by conducting terror attacks on soft U.S. targets and cyber attacks against U.S. financial interests,” said one official, speaking confidentially.

Hat tip Hotair

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