Obama Popular Vote Margin Largest Ever for Non-Incumbent

If I were a Republican, I would be taking a good look at Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal. I saw him interviewed the other night and he's intelligent, well spoken and he's not white...Palin lacks all three of those characteristics. The only problem I can see with Jindal is that he's a bit of a religious whacko.

What's wrong with being religious?

You know what really strikes me now about some of our american people is that some of them have develope such low standards.

They voted for a president with no experience. Someone who's religious beliefs are doubtful, someone with radical affiliations and someone who plans to have radical teachings in schools....

Let's all go bomb our country,that way all of you Obama followers will be happy....

BTW: Michael Steele is black and republican. Color has nothing to do with being president....
What's wrong with being religious?

You know what really strikes me now about some of our american people is that some of them have develope such low standards.

They voted for a president with no experience. Someone who's religious beliefs are doubtful, someone with radical affiliations and someone who plans to have radical teachings in schools....

Let's all go bomb our country,that way all of you Obama followers will be happy....

BTW: Michael Steele is black and republican. Color has nothing to do with being president....

Steele is an exception to the rule of what has increasingly become a a racist Republican party. I'm sure he's honed his Tom credentials.

As for Jindal, there's nothing wrong with being religious, it's just that Jindal has gone a bit overboard...In 1994, he wrote an essay for the New Oxford Review in which he told a bizarre story of a personal encounter with a demon, while participating in an exorcism. Jnidal claimed that they cast out the supernatural spirit that had possessed the subject and also believes that their ritual may well have cured her cancer.... Sounds rather strange to me...Maybe he can run with Palin...you know the hillbilly and the exorcist.

Steele is an exception to the rule of what has increasingly become a a racist Republican party. I'm sure he's honed his Tom credentials.

As for Jindal, there's nothing wrong with being religious, it's just that Jindal has gone a bit overboard...In 1994, he wrote an essay for the New Oxford Review in which he told a bizarre story of a personal encounter with a demon, while participating in an exorcism. Jnidal claimed that they cast out the supernatural spirit that had possessed the subject and also believes that their ritual may well have cured her cancer.... Sounds rather strange to me...Maybe he can run with Palin...you know the hillbilly and the exorcist.


SO WHAT!!! Did you read Michelle Obama's Princeton essay on racism? She's just a bigot as a red neck from Missisipi.... :mad:
There is everything wrong with being religious.

Not only do you have to be stupid, in many cases you have to be very cruel too.
There is everything wrong with being religious.

Not only do you have to be stupid, in many cases you have to be very cruel too.

According to webster: Religious;
Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French religius, from Latin religiosus, from religio
Date: 13th century
1: relating to or manifesting faithful devotion to an acknowledged ultimate reality or deity <a religious person> <religious attitudes>
2: of, relating to, or devoted to religious beliefs or observances <joined a religious order>
3 a: scrupulously and conscientiously faithful b: fervent , zealous
— re·li·gious·ly adverb
— re·li·gious·ness noun

What is wrong with that?
According to webster: Religious;

Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French religius, from Latin religiosus, from religio
Date: 13th century
1: relating to or manifesting faithful devotion to an acknowledged ultimate reality or deity <a religious person> <religious attitudes>
2: of, relating to, or devoted to religious beliefs or observances <joined a religious order>
3 a: scrupulously and conscientiously faithful b: fervent , zealous
— re·li·gious·ly adverb
— re·li·gious·ness noun

What is wrong with that?

*cough* You know.. Newton could have been mistaken for being a zealot over mathamatical equations.. !!!

Not everyday a man locks himself up with no sleep or food over a book

Religion is subjective...
If Republican's let Palin become the future of their party, then their party has no future. Romney is a stop gap and Gingrich (who is definitely running in 2012) is the past. Conservatives need to realize that Tim Pawlenty is their only hope of bringing the Republican party back to conservatism while also moving it into the 21st century.
Many of you voted for Obama... A man with no experience and a man with radical affiliations and a person who claims to be christian but hasn't attended church since he was elected president.

Great choice guys!!! ! High 5s all around!!! :rolleyes:

Is attendance at church a requirement to be Christian? I didn't know about that law... That probably rules out the majority of Christians, actually. I could care less where or how Obama or any other leader worships, as long as it doesn't affect policy.
According to webster: Religious;

What is wrong with that?

The Inquisition, the Crusades, the Dark Ages, witch burnings, the subjugation of women, the enslavement of blacks, the persecution of homosexual and transsexual people (they burned Joan of Arc at the stake for being trans), the Ku Klux Klan, banning of interracial marriage, protection of pedophile priests, inter-denominational hatred like the Catholics and Protestants in Ireland or the treatment of the early Mormons... It's a long, sordid list of excesses that can be laid at the door of Christianity--and that's just ONE of the crazy religions in the world.
Why shoot to become Nixon, a common crook, when you already are? You're correct Popeye he has arrived but has nothing higher than Nixon to shoot for!

Like persons as Nixon was one of our ablest statesmen but it was that crook thing that stopped him from ever becoming that great statesman. Obama has the charisma and has potential as we all do but its that lying thing he does...its that buying and selling justice thign he does that will ultimately cause him to suffer the same fate: there but not; a ghost.