Did anyone force Barrack Obama to run for the office of the President? I don't remember seeing anyone pointing a gun at him.
Obama ran for office knowing what the problems were, so saying he inherited the mess is plain disingenuous.
He said numerous times he wanted to clean up the mess. Now he's complaining he's got a mess.
Seems to me he wants it both ways. Why doesn't he quit whining and blaimng Bush and do what he said he was going to do?
Bring the nation together.
Not take money from lobbyist or hire lobbyist.
Just a few of the broken campaign promises.
does that mean that Obama should have waited until there were fewer problems before running for president? Is it his fault that the country was in the depths of the worst recession since the great depression? Was he the cause of the unending war in Iraq? Should he have taken out Bin Laden? Is the out of control costs of health care the fault of the Obama administration? Is Obama the cause of the porous southern border, and the drug trafficking that takes place there?
I don't recall Obama saying that all of the above is the fault of the Bush administration, or that he should be excused from having to address those problems. but to expect him and his Congress to have solved all of the above in the first few months is a bit disingenuous, don't you think?