Obama in TX speech carefully confuses legal immigration with illegal border-crashing

Re: Obama in TX speech carefully confuses legal immigration with illegal border-crash

The GOP is talking out their arse. They would have done the same thing Obama did with his stimulus plan, probably given it to their friends though. Remember the stimulus checks Bush passed out? Boy, that sure helped things. TARP was passed and formed by Bush and his treasury dept so that turd sandwich is theirs. And as far as I can tell, we have been adding jobs since March 2009, Wall St has gained 7000 points, GM and all it's purveyors still exist and the GOP contenders are not looking so good. I'm not going to go into "too big to fail", you know my opinion on that, but I believe Obama did the right thing.As far as the illegal immigration debate, it only comes up when the economy is bad, nothing gets done when the economy is good.

republicans have 2 problems that prevent them from dealing with illegal immigration...

first they want hispanic voters,,

2 if you fix the problem its one less scary thing to hold out to white voters and scare them into voting for them. (if your poster is said to be racist, and your in a large group of hispanics...pretend you thought the people in the poster looked asian or something :)
Re: Obama in TX speech carefully confuses legal immigration with illegal border-crash

The GOP is talking out their arse. They would have done the same thing Obama did with his stimulus plan, probably given it to their friends though. Remember the stimulus checks Bush passed out? Boy, that sure helped things. TARP was passed and formed by Bush and his treasury dept so that turd sandwich is theirs. And as far as I can tell, we have been adding jobs since March 2009, Wall St has gained 7000 points, GM and all it's purveyors still exist and the GOP contenders are not looking so good. I'm not going to go into "too big to fail", you know my opinion on that, but I believe Obama did the right thing.As far as the illegal immigration debate, it only comes up when the economy is bad, nothing gets done when the economy is good.

You're fanning air like crazy.

- Bush's $150 billion "stimulus", aimed given to everyone, is only speciously compared to obozo's $850 billion porkulus carefully aimed at his political supporters.

- TARP, while complained about by many, actually was needed to keep US credit from freezing up and sending the US into an actual depression. Better to focus on what CREATED the need for it - leftwing meddling in the housing market.

- It's SILLY to call the stock market rise an indication of economic recovery - it's actually due to lean and mean US businesses raising profits by firing all but a minimal crew of over-worked employees, that in turn due to fear of what gimmick will be foisted on them next by america's first amateur president.

- GM still exists as a sort of pseudo-government enterprise, making politically-correct cars - in other words it "exists" in the same way the infamous Trabant car existed in communist east germany - disappearing as soon as a free market was established after the communists fell.
Re: Obama in TX speech carefully confuses legal immigration with illegal border-crash

republicans have 2 problems that prevent them from dealing with illegal immigration...

first they want hispanic voters

2 if you fix the problem its one less scary thing to hold out to white voters and scare them into voting for them. (if your poster is said to be racist, and your in a large group of hispanics...pretend you thought the people in the poster looked asian or something :)

Here you see the only argument leftwingers ever have on any subject - the race card. :D
Re: Obama in TX speech carefully confuses legal immigration with illegal border-crash

You're fanning air like crazy.

- Bush's $150 billion "stimulus", aimed given to everyone, is only speciously compared to obozo's $850 billion porkulus carefully aimed at his political supporters.

- TARP, while complained about by many, actually was needed to keep US credit from freezing up and sending the US into an actual depression. Better to focus on what CREATED the need for it - leftwing meddling in the housing market.

- It's SILLY to call the stock market rise an indication of economic recovery - it's actually due to lean and mean US businesses raising profits by firing all but a minimal crew of over-worked employees, that in turn due to fear of what gimmick will be foisted on them next by america's first amateur president.

- GM still exists as a sort of pseudo-government enterprise, making politically-correct cars - in other words it "exists" in the same way the infamous Trabant car existed in communist east germany - disappearing as soon as a free market was established after the communists fell.
Yes, the stimulis was given to everyone with virtually no result other than putting us 150 bil more indebt. First time I've heard a GOPer not whine about "Obama's" TARP-it pushed thru so fast the rules allowed banks to abuse the no interest loans and massive fraud resulted. I'll agree that it was a necessary evil, though I thought the bankers should have been prosecuted. You forget the million or so jobs gained since 2009, not nearly enough but a start. The stock market also recouped many a retirement fund, you forgot that also. GM is poised to become the giant it was as it picked up 4% market share last count, but more to the point, the tens of thousands of jobs saved by the suppliers of parts to the beleagered automakers were a miracle.
Re: Obama in TX speech carefully confuses legal immigration with illegal border-crash

Yes, the stimulis was given to everyone with virtually no result other than putting us 150 bil more indebt.

Proof? Evidence? Doubt if you have any. :D

First time I've heard a GOPer not whine about "Obama's" TARP-it pushed thru so fast the rules allowed banks to abuse the no interest loans and massive fraud resulted.

TARP was created by Bush, not obozo. That there are some criminals in the banking industry has nothing to do with the fact that if TARP hadn't been enacted, credit would have frozen up and the country would be in a very deep depression.

I'll agree that it was a necessary evil, though I thought the bankers should have been prosecuted.

The SIGTARP agency has been busily doing that, with 18 convictions so far.

You forget the million or so jobs gained since 2009, not nearly enough but a start.

What counts is >>NET<< gain, and the unemployment rate went back up to 9% in the first quarter 2011. Nearly a trillion dollars of obozo's porkulus spending, an already disproven economic concept, have produced no significant results. Instead of going to "shovel ready" jobs, the money largely went to states for operating budgets - ie, into the pockets of vastly overpaid government employees, the sort of people who voted for obozo.

The stock market also recouped many a retirement fund, you forgot that also.

No, I already addressed that - read more carefully. It's bizarrely ironic that obozoites would claim credit for that, and in a weird warped way, they're right, but not in the way they believe. Because employers fear what the next tax, regulatory, or other nutcase scheme which will be foisted on them by obozo's leftwing brain trust, they've refused to hire workers and made the ones who still have jobs work like slaves - the result has been an uptick in profitablility as indicated by the major indexes. To go from that and say the general economy has improved is a sick laugh.
Re: Obama in TX speech carefully confuses legal immigration with illegal border-crash

I don't care what political party is in power, you don't solve problems by throwing borrowed money at them.

There is plenty of blame to go around. Bush and Obama are both complicit in turning this country into a debtor nation that is beholden to China and anybody else who will buy our debt.

It's called "intellectual honesty". Constantly engaging in hypocrisy and finger-pointing solves nothing. Adults acting like children is a huge problem in this country.
Re: Obama in TX speech carefully confuses legal immigration with illegal border-crash

"Proof? Evidence? Doubt if you have any. :D"
You cannot prove a negative, and you know it. TARP was the quick solution to a huge problem. Many mistakes were made in it'e implementation and design. But for a bunch of back seat drivers to point and complain when they were not there to make a decision is hypocritical. You didn't have a solution then, and you solution now is to keep doing what you did wrong in the first place, thanks, I'll pass.
Re: Obama in TX speech carefully confuses legal immigration with illegal border-crash

Proof? Evidence? Doubt if you have any. :D

TARP was created by Bush, not obozo. That there are some criminals in the banking industry has nothing to do with the fact that if TARP hadn't been enacted, credit would have frozen up and the country would be in a very deep depression.

The SIGTARP agency has been busily doing that, with 18 convictions so far.

What counts is >>NET<< gain, and the unemployment rate went back up to 9% in the first quarter 2011. Nearly a trillion dollars of obozo's porkulus spending, an already disproven economic concept, have produced no significant results. Instead of going to "shovel ready" jobs, the money largely went to states for operating budgets - ie, into the pockets of vastly overpaid government employees, the sort of people who voted for obozo.

No, I already addressed that - read more carefully. It's bizarrely ironic that obozoites would claim credit for that, and in a weird warped way, they're right, but not in the way they believe. Because employers fear what the next tax, regulatory, or other nutcase scheme which will be foisted on them by obozo's leftwing brain trust, they've refused to hire workers and made the ones who still have jobs work like slaves - the result has been an uptick in profitablility as indicated by the major indexes. To go from that and say the general economy has improved is a sick laugh.
Well, thats one way to look at it. If you want to discount everything your President did right and justify your pathalogical jealousy of his achievements in this dire time I guess you could say that.
Re: Obama in TX speech carefully confuses legal immigration with illegal border-crash

Well, thats one way to look at it. If you want to discount everything your President did right and justify your pathalogical jealousy of his achievements in this dire time I guess you could say that.

"Achievements"????? :D WHAT achievements?
Re: Obama in TX speech carefully confuses legal immigration with illegal border-crash

Well, thats one way to look at it. If you want to discount everything your President did right and justify your pathalogical jealousy of his achievements in this dire time I guess you could say that.

A perfect example of the pathological ignorance of the left.

If throwing away trillions of dollars in borrowed money is an "achievement", then I stand corrected.
Re: Obama in TX speech carefully confuses legal immigration with illegal border-crash

You cannot prove a negative, and you know it. TARP was the quick solution to a huge problem.
Oh I see... So I can say that if Bush hadn't passed the Patriot Act, 200 million Americans would have died in a nuclear attack on the states. That's awesome clark! I can make any ludicrous accusation I want and never have to substantiate any of my claims... All I have to say when challenged is, "You cannot prove a negative, and you know it."

You didn't have a solution then, and you solution now is to keep doing what you did wrong in the first place, thanks, I'll pass.
Actually I did have a solution then but you weren't here to read my thoughts on the subject. If anyone is continuing to do what they did wrong in the first place, it's people like you that support the corporatist system and our mixed market economy. How many bubbles need to burst, how many companies will have to be bailed out, how much federal debt must we rack up, before you begin to question the rationality of your position?
Re: Obama in TX speech carefully confuses legal immigration with illegal border-crash

though I thought the bankers should have been prosecuted.

If you are aware of a crime that is not being prosecuted then you should report that to the DA.

If you cannot support your claim that an un-prosecuted crime has been committed then you are probably just engaging in class warfare.
Re: Obama in TX speech carefully confuses legal immigration with illegal border-crash

You cannot prove a negative, and you know it.

There are several ways to prove a negative. But no one is asking you to prove a negative. You have been asked only to support the statement that credit would have frozen without tarp.
Re: Obama in TX speech carefully confuses legal immigration with illegal border-crash

There are several ways to prove a negative. But no one is asking you to prove a negative. You have been asked only to support the statement that credit would have frozen without tarp.
Credit was frozen before TARP. There was no money to loan since nearly all banks were on the brink of insolvancy, especially the large one's. You do know that all banks must have a percentage of liquid assets to offset the loans they make? They didn't have this, AIG, their insurance company that backed their loans, was insolvent. If there had been a bank run all the major banks would have defaulted.

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