Obama Hates American Oil!


Well-Known Member
May 28, 2007
You heard it here first folks. That crazy commie fascist African born Muslim, and enviro-nazi, global warming proponent and possible Jim Crow Denier we call President obviously hates American jobs and American oil.

Just today the Department of the Interior said it would allow Shell Oil to drill some exploratory wells in the Chuckchi Sea off the northwest coast of Alaska. This is despite some serious objections from local Native groups who are concerned about the ability to react and contain any spills that might happen in heavy ice conditions.

That shouldnt matter, Obama wants to kill American jobs and undermind the bottom line of corporate America. He does this by allowing Shell to expand on its Chuckchi offshore efforts. I cant stand these greenies!

I was about to commend the president for being open to drilling in the US with safeguards. Then on a whim I decided to read the article.

Keeping in mind that the government often operates at a snails pace your source said:

"The Bush administration's five-year plan for oil and gas exploration off the U.S. coast is under review by the Obama administration. Salazar held public hearings on it -- including one in April in Anchorage where then-Gov. Sarah Palin and her replacement, Parnell, spoke in favor of offshore development. The agency is still considering whether to let the plan continue through 2012 or write a new one."

Without all the facts, for now, it looks like it was the Bush admin that set this in motion, that the Obama admin might yet stop it or delay it, or that if it ever happens it might be after a new President is in office.
You heard it here first folks. That crazy commie fascist African born Muslim, and enviro-nazi, global warming proponent and possible Jim Crow Denier we call President obviously hates American jobs and American oil.

Just today the Department of the Interior said it would allow Shell Oil to drill some exploratory wells in the Chuckchi Sea off the northwest coast of Alaska. This is despite some serious objections from local Native groups who are concerned about the ability to react and contain any spills that might happen in heavy ice conditions.

That shouldnt matter, Obama wants to kill American jobs and undermind the bottom line of corporate America. He does this by allowing Shell to expand on its Chuckchi offshore efforts. I cant stand these greenies!


Read the article with interest: Seems anything and everything related to this issue will be always subject to a 'Catch 22'!

While I understand the concerns of the Environmentalist about off shore drilling and the 'Spillage Issue'...it would seem a more important issue about the numerous tankers that have gone array and left millions of dollars worth of damage & disaster up and down the Alaska coastal regions.

According to the article the Republicans from ALASKA are firmly behind this drilling these experimental 3 wells and if it helps keep the pressure off of and away from our dependence upon foreign oil imports then ISN'T THAT A WIN-WIN for all Americans too:confused:
What Ever Happened to the Exxon Valdez Spill?Have we cleaned up Alaska yet?

By Nina Shen RastogiPosted Tuesday, Dec. 8, 2009, at 9:33 AM ET

<edited for space> Here's the Link for the entire story:

The issue of lingering oil remains a major topic of controversy, as Lila Guterman detailed in this 2004 Chronicle of Higher Education story and in a 2009 follow-up for Science. A series of studies in 2001 and 2003, conducted by researchers from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, discovered pockets of crude oil lingering below the beach surface in some intertidal areas (the parts of the shoreline that are submerged only during high tide). The NOAA team concluded that about 21,000 gallons of oil remain buried in the beaches along Prince William Sound. Though Exxon-funded scientists disputed the studies at first, they eventually came to accept the findings; however, they questiongovernment claims that this lingering oil poses a threat to wildlife (PDF). A recent statement on the Exxon Mobil Web site argues that "based on the studies of many scientists who have worked extensively in Prince William Sound, there has been no long term damage caused by the spilled oil."
A good chunk of change hangs on the outcome of this debate. As part of the $900 million civil settlement reached between Exxon and the Alaskan and federal governments in 1991, the government retained the right to claim an additional $100 million from Exxon if unexpected damages from the spill were discovered within 15 years. The government exercised this "reopener" option just before the deadline in 2006 and requested an additional $92 million to locate all the remaining oil and restore the affected sites. Negotiations are now on hold, pending the release of further studies from government researchers. (Meanwhile, a $5 billion lawsuit brought against Exxon by a group of Alaskan natives, fishermen, and business owners has had its own long, drawn-out legal saga.)

And what's happened to the infamous vessel itself? The Exxon Valdez has since been rechristened the Dong Fang Ocean by its new Chinese owners (the fourth name change since the spill) and as of March of this year was being retrofitted to carry ore, not oil. Under the Oil Pollution Act of 1990,however, the ship is no longer allowed to enter the Prince William Sound. The same goes for any tanker that's spilled more than 1 million gallons of oil since March 22, 1989—two days before the Exxon Valdez ran aground.

Just happened to run across this article and it seemed to answer my own question regarding the 'oil spill' so many years ago!
No, it's we who hate American oil. If energy independence is a threat to our national security interests, then why are we shipping our oil to Europe and the Far East, and importing oil from the Middle East for our domestic consumption? Answer that question, can you? You can't. The answer is that it's good for the oil companies.
No, it's we who hate American oil. If energy independence is a threat to our national security interests, then why are we shipping our oil to Europe and the Far East, and importing oil from the Middle East for our domestic consumption? Answer that question, can you? You can't. The answer is that it's good for the oil companies.

While that could be precisely 'A' reason...it's not the only reason.

According to my hubby {dearly departed but a Petroleum Engineer} we need that type of crude oil as they need our type of crude oil just as there are always 2-3 types of coal blended to burn more efficiently...the same goes for our crude oil. We don't uniformly have the best/finest/highest grade of crude oil anyone place in America...and it makes perfect since to use our resource as an exported product too!
While that could be precisely 'A' reason...it's not the only reason.

According to my hubby {dearly departed but a Petroleum Engineer} we need that type of crude oil as they need our type of crude oil just as there are always 2-3 types of coal blended to burn more efficiently...the same goes for our crude oil. We don't uniformly have the best/finest/highest grade of crude oil anyone place in America...and it makes perfect since to use our resource as an exported product too!

Very informative. Thanks.
The funniest thing of all is that approximately 90% (see Deffeyes) of all the oil that was ever created has already leaked to the Earth's surface. We've exploited only the oil that managed to get captured under domed geologic formations without cracks or holes, which is a rather small percentage. Oil is constantly leaking out of many submarine places into the oceans anyhow and has been doing it for quite a long time. Almost any energy-bearing molecule can be utilized by one bacteria or another and that's what generally happens to the oil that leaks to the surface: it gets consumed for its energy by one organism or another. And it's ALL going to be reduced to CO2 and water, by the way, whether we do it or something else does.
The funniest thing of all is that approximately 90% (see Deffeyes) of all the oil that was ever created has already leaked to the Earth's surface. We've exploited only the oil that managed to get captured under domed geologic formations without cracks or holes, which is a rather small percentage. Oil is constantly leaking out of many submarine places into the oceans anyhow and has been doing it for quite a long time. Almost any energy-bearing molecule can be utilized by one bacteria or another and that's what generally happens to the oil that leaks to the surface: it gets consumed for its energy by one organism or another. And it's ALL going to be reduced to CO2 and water, by the way, whether we do it or something else does.

Yes, quite the correct thoughts on oil and around this part of Kansas we have 'Natural Gas' leaking up through the ground, you can hear it in our deep rivers at night, in our limestone caverns in Kansas City and around the Newton & Hutchinson, Kansas area.

The one excellent factor for drilling in those cold weather climates is: should an oil spill happen {God Forbid} the temperature of the water would make the emergency response timeline more on the human factor side of this issue then if we were drilling in the Gulf Coast and that heavy warm weather/water makes clean up a more intensive longer issue {of course the quantity of the spill is always going to be the make or brake issue} but getting the area cleaned up and safe for habitation is always a prime directive too!
The one excellent factor for drilling in those cold weather climates is: should an oil spill happen {God Forbid} the temperature of the water would make the emergency response timeline more on the human factor side of this issue then if we were drilling in the Gulf Coast and that heavy warm weather/water makes clean up a more intensive longer issue.....
If the President wants to create jobs, all that has to be done is lift the ban on drilling in the U.S. tons of jobs would be instantly created and it wouldn't cost the taxpayers anything.

Not only would we create jobs, but we can lessen our dependency on foreign oil at the same time.

Weren't both of those initiatives that the President say were of high importance when he was campaigning for his position?

The politicians and environmentalists have forced America into the position it is in today. Our country is rich in Oil and Natural gas, yet we cannot access it.

I know, I know.. it will take years to get the oil. But if we had started the process 10 yrs ago or more, which we knew we had oil then... we would be reaping benefits now.

It's insane. California doesn't even cultivate it's own resources either. That state needs to do something.
If the President wants to create jobs, all that has to be done is lift the ban on drilling in the U.S. tons of jobs would be instantly created and it wouldn't cost the taxpayers anything.
Gee.....I thought all that has to be done was tax-cuts?????

That crazy commie fascist African born Muslim, and enviro-nazi, global warming proponent and possible Jim Crow Denier we call President obviously hates American jobs and American oil.

Yeah, he's so much better than that crazy-racist-cowboy-fascist-planet raping-war criminal-global warming denier-idiot son-who was responsible for orchestrating 911 and lied to the world for an imperialist war for oil in Iraq to get even with Saddam for trying to kill his father.
If the President wants to create jobs, all that has to be done is lift the ban on drilling in the U.S. tons of jobs would be instantly created and it wouldn't cost the taxpayers anything.

WHAT??? Lift what ban on DRILLING...there isn't ONE. New production drilling in the USA is driven totally by the cost for drilling offset by the price of CRUDE OIL: when crude oil reaches $80. - $90. dollars a barrel then the cost for new drilling is more affordable {here in Kansas our crude oil prices are usually -$20. - -$30. less then the national average due to the amount of BSW-contaminates} in the crude oil. Where are you getting that some President placed a BAN ON DRILLING NEW WELLS?

Not only would we create jobs, but we can lessen our dependency on foreign oil at the same time.

Weren't both of those initiatives that the President say were of high importance when he was campaigning for his position?

The politicians and environmentalists have forced America into the position it is in today. Our country is rich in Oil and Natural gas, yet we cannot access it.
There has been a humongous amount of new INTENT TO DRILL application filed here in Kansas just with in the past 5 years...due to the price of natural gas & crude oil...but it doesn't stay busy when the weather makes it impossible to access the the fields or the price is prohibitive to pay for the cost to drill :rolleyes:
I know, I know.. it will take years to get the oil. But if we had started the process 10 yrs ago or more, which we knew we had oil then... we would be reaping benefits now.
We don't have the refineries to handle our nations current production and there haven't been any New Refineries built for over 60-70 years...except for foreign countries...which would lead me to believe that we are being held hostage by the BIG OIL PURCHASURES while they trade our crude oil over seas and export to their newer refineries around the world; cheaper labor/less restrictions for contaminated waste disposal/tax abatements by those countries interested in the economy that that production promotes, etc., etc., etc.
It's insane. California doesn't even cultivate it's own resources either. That state needs to do something.
NOW that's something that I'll totally agree with you about...let's get that state to fix their excessive utility costs and they'll become more solvent!

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