Obama gets an earful in clash with GOP senators

and with 30% approval Bush stepped down right?

What was Approval or Iraq war ? should we have just stopped and left?

guess what , alot of people did not like the health care bill...because it did not do enough...do you count them as

also your wrong constitutionally...in that you have no clue how the government works, how a representative works...you think you get to pick and choose what they should just listen to the polls for and what they need to make choices for them self based on the facts they have , and the public does not have or understand.

Polls showed the majority in favor of the Public Option...so why did republican not stand up for what the polls showed and back it?

Again, I never said every bill....your putting words in my mouth again. I like how this went back to Bush for some reason. As public knowledge grew of the bill your lying if you say that the over all support of the bill didn't change. I'm not saying a Rep. should base his vote on polls not saying that at all. I've said that on large votes like this they need to do more than just say I'm voting for this deal with it. When the visit their home districts they need to actually visit with constituency hold more than one town hall with 25 select people and news cameras like they did here. Also your saying that the public isn't smart enough to make choices or decide for ourselves what we like. What a very idiotic thing to say......So government just needs to make 100% of choices based on what it wants, because the people are to stupid?
Again, I never said every bill....your putting words in my mouth again. I like how this went back to Bush for some reason. As public knowledge grew of the bill your lying if you say that the over all support of the bill didn't change. I'm not saying a Rep. should base his vote on polls not saying that at all. I've said that on large votes like this they need to do more than just say I'm voting for this deal with it. When the visit their home districts they need to actually visit with constituency hold more than one town hall with 25 select people and news cameras like they did here. Also your saying that the public isn't smart enough to make choices or decide for ourselves what we like. What a very idiotic thing to say......So government just needs to make 100% of choices based on what it wants, because the people are to stupid?

just the ones you want them to..I see...:rolleyes

and maybe, just maybe, those district's should vote better next time, being that Health care was the biggest issues in race for the most part...and you seem to think they are to retarded to vote the way they wanted it to go.

Also based on polls we should have attacked Iraq for Sept 11...since 70% of Americans thought the hijackers where from Iraq...this was well after it was known to be Afghanistan....or is that not a big enough issue to just vote what the polls tell you?
just the ones you want them to..I see...:rolleyes

and maybe, just maybe, those district's should vote better next time, being that Health care was the biggest issues in race for the most part...and you seem to think they are to retarded to vote the way they wanted it to go.

Also based on polls we should have attacked Iraq for Sept 11...since 70% of Americans thought the hijackers where from Iraq...this was well after it was known to be Afghanistan....or is that not a big enough issue to just vote what the polls tell you?

Well I can see that my previous response to this statement must have been considered offensive. So lets try again.........I never said vote based on polls....that is you putting words in mouth. I will only say that you along with most extreme liberals feel that government and those involved are far superior to any other American. I will say again that I find it funny that elected representation isn't to listen their constituency, but I guess that is Obama-poli sci 101.
Well I can see that my previous response to this statement must have been considered offensive. So lets try again.........I never said vote based on polls....that is you putting words in mouth. I will only say that you along with most extreme liberals feel that government and those involved are far superior to any other American. I will say again that I find it funny that elected representation isn't to listen their constituency, but I guess that is Obama-poli sci 101.

again, the Constitutions..WHO VOTED THEM INTO OFFICE TO DO JUST WHAT THEY DID....how hard is that to understand? If they did not want Health care reform...Vote Freaking McCain or shut up.
again, the Constitutions..WHO VOTED THEM INTO OFFICE TO DO JUST WHAT THEY DID....how hard is that to understand? If they did not want Health care reform...Vote Freaking McCain or shut up.

Pretty hard for you apparently, you seem to have difficulty with this whole elected representation idea that the framers wrote about and set up for us.
Pretty hard for you apparently, you seem to have difficulty with this whole elected representation idea that the framers wrote about and set up for us.

umm yea, well if you want to go by what they wanted...then we don't vote for the senate, and only white land owners views matter...so.....also framers did not say, a rep should just vote what the polls say to do ...sorry I mean when ever you decided they should have to....since you can't keep your ideas strait.
umm yea, well if you want to go by what they wanted...then we don't vote for the senate, and only white land owners views matter...so.....also framers did not say, a rep should just vote what the polls say to do ...sorry I mean when ever you decided they should have to....since you can't keep your ideas strait.

My ideas are completely straight! You have some serious comprehension issues! I have said vote the will of the people consistently. And lastly, I'm talking about the setup of a Democratic Republic.....Elected representation. This isn't about who could vote back then.

Do the people vote for House and Senate reps to go to Washington?

Are they their to "serve" the people?

When those people campaign, 99.9% of them use the phrase "your voice in Washington." That would signify representation would it not?

So after we give money to campaigns, and pay hard earned money to the tax man....we shouldn't expect for the MAJORITY opinion to be put forward?

Right now Republicans, Democrats, and Independents like me are all upset with the lack of Representation, out of control spending, and an overall out of touch mentality with just about everyone on the hill w/ their constituency.
My ideas are completely straight! You have some serious comprehension issues! I have said vote the will of the people consistently. And lastly, I'm talking about the setup of a Democratic Republic.....Elected representation. This isn't about who could vote back then.

Do the people vote for House and Senate reps to go to Washington?

Are they their to "serve" the people?

When those people campaign, 99.9% of them use the phrase "your voice in Washington." That would signify representation would it not?

So after we give money to campaigns, and pay hard earned money to the tax man....we shouldn't expect for the MAJORITY opinion to be put forward?

Right now Republicans, Democrats, and Independents like me are all upset with the lack of Representation, out of control spending, and an overall out of touch mentality with just about everyone on the hill w/ their constituency.

again you vote for a person to represent your interest...not parrot your polling. I have no idea why this idea is so hard for you to get..If all you had to do was do what some poll tells you the people want...we could just elect 50 random people off the street and say your job is to read a poll...and do what it says...if 51% say x, vote for x...thats your whole job...even if you know based on your better amount of info and facts that they are wrong.
again you vote for a person to represent your interest...not parrot your polling. I have no idea why this idea is so hard for you to get..If all you had to do was do what some poll tells you the people want...we could just elect 50 random people off the street and say your job is to read a poll...and do what it says...if 51% say x, vote for x...thats your whole job...even if you know based on your better amount of info and facts that they are wrong.

The only parrot here is YOU! You keep repeating some complete nonsense about voting based on polling. I have spent several post explaining that they should vote the peoples interest, thus my whole explanation about elected representation. I notice you didn't answer any of my questions, but rather you just "parrot" the same polling statement.
The only parrot here is YOU! You keep repeating some complete nonsense about voting based on polling. I have spent several post explaining that they should vote the peoples interest, thus my whole explanation about elected representation. I notice you didn't answer any of my questions, but rather you just "parrot" the same polling statement.

the peoples interest...is 1 what they think is best...and that does not always mean what the people say they want....or 2...just what the Polls say....you don't seem to understand this simple fact.

Only fact is, you just think they should do what you want...you think the peoples interest...is what ever you think it should be...

You say, don't vote based on polls....but yet you should do what the people want...( how of course you know what they wany??Polls? )

Your logic is just a scatershot of what ever you want, and logic need not apply...ever
the peoples interest...is 1 what they think is best...and that does not always mean what the people say they want....or 2...just what the Polls say....you don't seem to understand this simple fact.

Only fact is, you just think they should do what you want...you think the peoples interest...is what ever you think it should be...

You say, don't vote based on polls....but yet you should do what the people want...( how of course you know what they wany??Polls? )

Your logic is just a scatershot of what ever you want, and logic need not apply...ever

Yeah, I guess that the emails, phone systems being shut down at the capital, the few public meetings held (to discuss bills like immigration and health) filled with angry Americans against items, demonstrations, and marches....those were all polls.....wow your right...:rolleyes:...All this time I just thought it was information that was out their showing how Americans were upset with their government. As liberal I know that you seem to think that polls are a mirror image of public opinion. Kinda like the polls ABC will do in a largely liberal area, while talking to 100 people, and say this is the national opinion. News flash for you and all other liberals people can think for themselves, can read for themselves, and know what they want. They don't need liberals and polls to tell them.
Yeah, I guess that the emails, phone systems being shut down at the capital, the few public meetings held (to discuss bills like immigration and health) filled with angry Americans against items, demonstrations, and marches....those were all polls.....wow your right...:rolleyes:...All this time I just thought it was information that was out their showing how Americans were upset with their government. As liberal I know that you seem to think that polls are a mirror image of public opinion. Kinda like the polls ABC will do in a largely liberal area, while talking to 100 people, and say this is the national opinion. News flash for you and all other liberals people can think for themselves, can read for themselves, and know what they want. They don't need liberals and polls to tell them.

god you realy don't have a clue do you? You think Email and phone calls give a good view of what people want? No it sells you that someone set up a phone campaign...or that a small amount of people are realy mad or happy...Its like listening to polls....but realy realy inaccurate ones..

Plus how do you know what Email and phone calls they got? maybe they got more that said Pass health care reform...thats why we voted for you.
god you realy don't have a clue do you? You think Email and phone calls give a good view of what people want? No it sells you that someone set up a phone campaign...or that a small amount of people are realy mad or happy...Its like listening to polls....but realy realy inaccurate ones..

Plus how do you know what Email and phone calls they got? maybe they got more that said Pass health care reform...thats why we voted for you.

In typical liberal fashion you ignore the whole statement, I guess the millions that turned out to protest is sign that only a few people were opposed. The fact that those that voted for its support has vanished, because they went against the will of the people and committed political suicide. No just phone calls and emails wouldn't be a complete view, but coupled with everything else it is a crystal clear picture. I mean 200 liberals show up to protest something, and it is suppose to reflect a national sentiment. We should listen to the people and "polls", since you like to talk about them constantly, if Bush is in office. Yet, with Obama and democrats in power, we shouldn't it doesn't mean anything.
In typical liberal fashion you ignore the whole statement, I guess the millions that turned out to protest is sign that only a few people were opposed. The fact that those that voted for its support has vanished, because they went against the will of the people and committed political suicide. No just phone calls and emails wouldn't be a complete view, but coupled with everything else it is a crystal clear picture. I mean 200 liberals show up to protest something, and it is suppose to reflect a national sentiment. We should listen to the people and "polls", since you like to talk about them constantly, if Bush is in office. Yet, with Obama and democrats in power, we shouldn't it doesn't mean anything.

millions protested the war in Iraq...why did Bush do it anyway? Millions have protested FOR health care reform as well...

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