Obama chickens out ....

Do you remember a while back when you stated the constant libelous attacks on Obama were just pushing you closer to his corner? Thats how I felt in '04. The whole Bush-Hitler thing really turned me off to Democrats. They, as a party, drove me away from Kerry with their constant character assassination attempts and reckless use of the war as a political football.

Obama is carrying the same flag, using the same rhetoric and its disgustingly disingenuous. He knows damn well McCain isn't advocating that we, "continue the failed policy of occupation for 100 years", he knows McCain was talking about our continued presence in other liberated countries that go on for decades without casualties, he knows McCain was one of the first people to say we needed the surge which has netted so many positive results (Which Obama opposed, saying it would never work, then after it worked, he's now trying to say he said all along a surge would work) Obama knows all this but still says: "McCain wants us in Iraq for 100 years!" which his loyal bots repeat on command, because they don't know all this.

I'll tell you what... if there was a "None of the above" option that left the job of POTUS empty for the next four years... I bet it would win the election.

I guess I can see that, but I can tell you that I worked the local DFL booth for Kerry ( I started working with Edwards against Kerry , and was my first time actually working with DFL). Some people had been putting up "Lee harvey Oswald where are you when me need you stickers we came out against them and actually went around removing them where we could. it was not the type of politics we wanted. And myself and others attacked many people for when they tried the Hitler stuff, because its gutter politics and just makes you look bad , not the one you are attacking for legit reasons. So alot of us in the party where trying to stop that stuff...

and at the same time the whole attacking Kerry's Purple Harts was just sooo low to me, just like the attacks on Clark ( See libsmasher) and some attacks on McCain as well.
and at the same time the whole attacking Kerry's Purple Harts was just sooo low to me, just like the attacks on Clark ( See libsmasher) and some attacks on McCain as well.

I don't disagree, neither did McCain who wrote the McCain-Feingold Campaign Reform legislation that, among other things, attempted to ban such commercials from running 60 days from an election. That was one of McCains bipartisan efforts to end the dirty tactics being used in elections... The "Old Man" even went against many in his own party on that one.
I don't disagree, neither did McCain who wrote the McCain-Feingold Campaign Reform legislation that, among other things, attempted to ban such commercials from running 60 days from an election. That was one of McCains bipartisan efforts to end the dirty tactics being used in elections... The "Old Man" even went against many in his own party on that one.

I know and I attacked Bush/Rove for those same Swift boat attacks that Killed McCain in 2000. The Push Polls telling people he had illegit black babies, and that he was insane from his time a POW...I did not like Bush before, but thats when I started to see just how low of a road that Bush and Rove where willing to take to win. I think had McCain won in 2000, the US would be in a much better position today ( or Gore who I also did not vote for or care much for).
I do not really remember McCain debates. Do you have any old clips of him debating.

I watched all of the democrat debates, clips of the repubs, but mostly I was interested in watching Romney. I am sure I must have seen McCain but I did not pay any attention :(

If you have any clips of him debating, I would love to see them.

I feel like an Obama stalker.... I do not think I have missed much of anything he has done, from speeches to interviews. So I think I know what to expect where he is concerned.

Sure... here ya go.

And keep this in mind. What the Republicans did to him was kind compared to the way he'll look next to Senator Obama.
