Obama caves, agrees to give up Democrat tax increases

Oh No no no nooooooooooooo.....we will NOT reduce government spending. We need all that spending to enslave as many Americans as is possible so they vote for the Commie Party (use to be known as Democrat Party). Plus those stinking rich buggers stole from the poor and downtrodden to get rich. So, we need to take as much of their money as we can....

EXCEPTION: Cutting the Defense budget is okay cause those bastards still vote for the other party. And we as a nation are evil and not deserving of a military to protect us.


talk talk talk...but when in office...its all it is talk...

Name last Republican president...who reduced spending...
News flash...you cant reduce the debt...with out putting more money in the hands of the government....

News flash for you - increasing taxes in a recession isn't the only way to do that.

a progressive tax that costs more for the very wealthy....is a hate of the rich?

No, all the leftwing demogogy and class envy hysteria, making people believe their lives will somehow improve if they plunder the rich is hate promotion.

well please inform the class...when the last time we did not have a progressive tax rate....I was not aware that tax brackets where based on level of hate...

It's a clever political ploy to generate and then capitalize on class envy, and it works because the liberal government schools and liberal media have kept people ignorant of economics.

Maybe you would be happy if we lowered there taxes even more to the same as the poorest tax bracket....

OH NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! DON'T DO THAT!! TAXES, BRIDGES TO NOWHERE, AND PORKULUS IS WHAT MADE AMERICA WHAT IT IS TODAY! A bled out debtor nation, heading to third world status as fast as the leftwingers can drive it there.

It must have sucked in the 90's when we must have hated the rich so much...and they profited ...soo much....

News flash...you cant reduce the debt...with out putting more money in the hands of the government....

a progressive tax that costs more for the very wealthy....is a hate of the rich?
Wrong as usual. Don't you get tired of that?

You can reduce the debt without putting more money in the hands of government, by telling government to quit spending it on unnecessary and unconstitutional programs, and paying down the debt with it instead.

In other words, by cutting spending.

You know. The debt that was run up by paying for those unconstitutional programs in the first place. That debt.
"Not only was the entire national deficit eliminated, after raising taxes on the wealthy in 1993, but the economy grew so fast for the remainder of the decade that many conservative economists thought that the Fed should raise the prime interest rate in order to slow it down."

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