obama care

ObamaCare price hikes hit 'red states' hardest

Experiencing sticker-shock at the price of insurance on ObamaCare exchanges?

That's more likely if you live in a "red state" that didn't vote for Obama, according to price data compiled by the Heritage Foundation. In red states, premiums for 27-year-olds rose an average of 78% on ObamaCare exchanges, whereas in "blue states" that voted for Obama, premiums rose a smaller 50%.


Iranian-born Communist sympathizer Valerie Jarrett and Barack Obama’s Senior White House Adviser is strongly rumored, from multiple sources, that just prior to the recent general election, to have issued a clear threat against the rank and file members of the American public who do not support Pres. Obama.

“After we win this election, it is payback time. For those who supported us, there will be rewards, for the ones who opposed us, they will get what they deserve. There will be hell to pay. Congress won’t be a problem for us this time. With no election to worry about, we have two judges ready to go.”

-Valerie Jarrett
Obama’s Senior White House Adviser
of course the reason blue state rates went up less is because those states already had state requirements for additional riders that red states did not but if you prefer this boogyman.... ny was 3x wisconsin.
of course the reason blue state rates went up less is because those states already had state requirements for additional riders that red states did not but if you prefer this boogyman.... ny was 3x wisconsin.
Do you have a resource for this? It seems to just be typical spite to me ....
Do you have a resource for this? It seems to just be typical spite to me ....
I posted it some time ago in reference to duscussions about the topic of selling insurance acriss state lines being moot dueto state coverage requirements. Of course years working in the medical field doesnt hurt either.
That cow is a problem in many ways but spite is the least of them. Calculated damage being the greatest.
I posted it some time ago in reference to duscussions about the topic of selling insurance acriss state lines being moot dueto state coverage requirements. Of course years working in the medical field doesnt hurt either.
That cow is a problem in many ways but spite is the least of them. Calculated damage being the greatest.
So it's just a coincidence that red states have higher premiums?
So it's just a coincidence that red states have higher premiums?
No. Its an entirely predictable matter becsuse they will have had minimal basic requirements for policies in their states. In some cases just cstasthrophic coverage. Obamacare on the other hand has the kitchen sink and everything else. This is not news Tex. These matters were preached as one of many many land minesin this leggislation.
This Obamacare is a mess. I've heard they will never get this site to function well, as it's wrought with design flaws and has been overcomplicated. Also, it is not a secure site.

I watched part of the congressional hearings yesterday with Sebelius. That woman is out of her element and needs to retire.

She also said they don't do background checks on the "navigators" and that they might hire felons.

This morning a guy on tv said that a stranger called him and had received all his ACA personal information by email. The stranger wasn't part of ACA and it was sent to him by HHS by mistake.

So the site isn't secure, the navigators taking your information could be un-vetted felons and strangers could be getting your info by personal email.

The Obama Admin. couldn't find their backsides with both hands.